it shouldnt be called ph if they arent really ph's. they put games there that dunt sell anymore and might not have even sold good in the first place. all the real hits never turn into ph's. it just kinda annoys me. halo, forza are two good example. crappy games made into ph----- way too many!!!
it seems to me that all the hype, antisipation, and fan base is decreasing. dunt get me wrong though, i love the game and gonna get it eventually but i hear more people wanting cod4, bioshock, assassins creed and gta than halo. i feel that its same old same old. nothin really new about it. wut do u guys think?
and for those who say, i dunt want the cup to go to an american team, half the players on every team are canadian! so its all good. like all of my friends wonder why i go for philly when i live in canada but i just say most of their players are canadian, like my fav player, simon gagne.
i have a feeling that the maps they put out later as downloadable content were already planned/made. they leave them out perposly and just say, lets leave these out so we can charge them for it.
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