Here is the weekly blog post that you all know and love, Random Stuff! This week we have tagging, blobs, previews, movies, and even bombs.
Let's start with this week's top story: my school had a bomb threat today, the first one in its 16 year history. We had to go literally a mile away from the school and we missed like 3 hours of class, but alas, no explosion.
In other news, my soccer game was cancelled last Sunday because of flooding and it is rescheduled next week.
I got a new Tagger Flirt emblem for tagging a lot of stuff. Lately I've been tagging every preview/article I've read to get the emblem, and it paid off! (Noe for the Reviewer Emblems...)
As you already know, Loco Roco is one of my most anticipated games of 2006. Now, a demo for Loco Roco is available online. I just need to find a wifi hotspot and I'll download it.
Expect to see many previews and first impressions by me soon for games such as God of War II, Guitar Hero II, Huxley, Spore, Tekken DR, and more.
I am almost done with my Lumines review, so expect it to be posted this weekend (I have a ton of homework.)
Lastly, I have a couple of movie reviews:
King Kong: 9.5 - This is possibly the best movie I have ever seen. It has a great story, great acting, action, drama, suspense, romance, you name it! An absolute must-see.
Star Wars Episode I: 8.1 - This is the last Star Wars movie I have seen and I have to say that it is the worst out of the 6. It's still very good, though.
Aeon Flux: 4.3 - Remember my review of Yu-Gi-Oh last week? Read that and add ninjas and needles that look like grass.
Super Babies 2: 1.9 - Remember my review of Yu-Gi-Oh last week? This movie makes that and Aeon Flux look like Oscar nominees. The worst movie I have ever seen, period.
That's it for this week, friends.
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