@wcwj26 the intentional absence of food is used as a weapon.
the soviets starved ukraine and other countries to death. mass murdered over 40 million people though starvation by cutting off their food supply.
could you live without grocery stores supplying your food for you and 400 million other americans? what would happen in the government cut you off. it's happened before and history repeats.
@VeredusMaximus you can call bullpoop all you want, but that won't change the fact that he has already stated that he's going after rockstar, and activision.
@VeredusMaximus no it's just that the government is more of a threat to me and all americans than any enemy nations are.
see the government chipping away at our rights for the last 100 years for further proof.
oh that's right. they also re-write history as they go along so the youth movement can goose step them into power just like they did in russia and germany...
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