What I want to see is both machines running these games, continuously in different environments, hot, cold etc... Slight graphical differences don't keep me from playing a game... a broken console, will.
This has got to be the most blatant form of bia's i've ever seen! Hahaha these comparisons make me laugh, in how they try and make subtle approaches beyond the non compairable textures / lighting, and colors. Oh lets see.. take this last pic in GTA IV. How the headlights show proper lighting.. oh my god.. you can even see the wrinkles in that guys forehead! Soo much detail. Click over PS3. Notice the San Andreas color scheme? or the guy in back's blurred out face? (photoshop much?) oh wait.. that pickup is completely dark... haha.. Seriously these comparisons make me laugh. If anyone wants to see these compairisons in person, come over to my house. PS3 does not look like these screenshots with settings properly set up. Same with 360. I'm trying not to stop coming to Gamespot all together due to this pre-teen persuasion. Honestly 360 fans, I really hope even you arnt' blindsided by this (OH MY GOD... FAT LOSS CALI BURN IS THE BEST EVER "before and after" photos) Notice the body builders formed bodys look fatter, but come back magically ripped. and makeup, and props just magically applied to enhance pictures.
1. Unreal Tournament 2K4 -editors edition with editor(PC) 2. GTA San Andreas (XBOX or PC) 3. ESPN football (2K5) (XBOX) 4. ESPN basketball (2K5) (XBOX) 5. Forza Motorsport (XBOX)
This is where we suck back our pride, and just let go.. here are 5 i'm shameful to admit never playing. 1.((HALO 2)) ... i have halo 1, but haven't beaten it yet.. so..yea 2.((WORLD OF WARCRAFT)).. I choose not to get into this, or bye bye free time 3.((DIABLO)) (any one of them) didn't have a comp back in the day, and may just need to pick them up. 4.((GOD OF WAR)).. I bought a PS2 for that very reason, but got guitar hero first, and it's pretty much glued there 5.((HALF LIFE)).. either one.. (head down in shame)
*to the guy above me (JokerCZW).. I'm #8 on TC thrilla's sufari* not surfari :) (not that far in listing yet) but great choice! OK since everyones doing games that make them "cool" i'm going to do something a little different. 5 GAMES THAT MAKE ME UNCOOL. I have a ton of NES games that probably could fill 50 of these lists, but here are the ones that stand out the most... 1.) Seaman (DC)- Nothing says loser, like talking to your TV. Don't let anyone catch you playing this game. Especially girls. 2.) Playboy: The Mansion (XBOX)- Hmmm... taking piotures of fake boobs and showing off your best shots? How about sex with bottoms on? UNCOOL! 3.) Donkey Kong Jr. Math (NES)- Why I bought this, i'll never know. Ok because I need all DK NES games. It is just emarrassing to play. This one collects dust. 4.) Theme Park Roller Coaster (PS2) One of 3 games I own to PS2 (had to buy one for Guitar Hero I and II) But TPRC was given to me because someone else was too embarrassed to play it.. so I said, "sure!" yea, building a virtual themepark. Uncool. 5.) M C Kids (NES) McDonalds makes a crap clone of SMB it features a chubby kid, Ronald McDonald, and a horrible game plot. To make matters worse, there are back arrows that can shoot you to the beginning of levels. Embarrassing. And I own it.
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