OMG dude are you seriouse comparing crysis ! to half life and fear :lol: CRYSIS ! wins by a mile away . and no its not gonna be a nuther farcry . im not even a farcry fan . but crysis is the bloody next gen gaming . all you have to do is look at a video and the graphics and tell its 1934323746782364 times better . omg man some gamer's you are ......
what is the system requirement's to run crysis ..... looking forward to christmas and my new computer . first game getting will be crysis . computer spec's are somthing like a ... e6600 duo core cpu , 8800gtx , 2x1gb ram , 400gb harddrive , creative xfi extreem music sound card , a thermlake case , 22inch widescreen , x530 logitech speakers , logitch g15 gaming keyboard , . will that computer spec's be able to run crysis on full out crazy graphics . ???
Why are you being lazy you could have just as easily googled searched VGA switch box and found dozens of stores that exist, I know they exist but I am not going out of my way to do something you should have done on your own, tip for the future, ASK GOOGLE BEFORE GAMESPOT!trickmyster13
hey everyone . can somone find me a place where i can by a vga cable . for the xbox 360 to go to the monitor . and a switch box so i can switch beetween my computer and the xbox 360 . and please send me some links to both the vga cable and the switch box . thanx
hey everyone just wounderin . if the mouse called. creative hd7600L . i was wounderin about it if it was wireless and if it come's with a charger ?? . im looking to buy it from thanx . if anyone can check that out it will be a well thanx .
hey everyone at the momment i have a gamertag off . generalfluke . has anyone got any other idears for a name . But it must start with (general) thanx .....
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