I will be getting this day one. It may be short, it may be filled with cliches still looks fun and interesting. Also it seems that I will be playing it at least twice to see what happens if I do exactly the opposite things than my first playthrough.
burock76's forum posts
People who are complaining about the length, the style, the gameplay, the moustaches etc about this game, DON'T buy or play it. Not all games are meant for everybody.
And still we are talking about a game that is not released yet. So we should be careful about our criticism. At least play it and when you really have experienced it then criticise it.
No matter what people say I WILL buy this game day one and play the sh!t out of it.
Note: There are other great games coming, wait for those. But do not be surprised if this game gets a lot of good feedback.
Normally, being a playstation afficionado, I would buy the new console day 1. But lack of new good games, suspicions about the durability of the hardware I've decided to wait a bit longer. We all know about countless YLODs.
I need some info (please no numerical info about the system itself) about the new console, whether it is good to buy one NOW or wait for the good games to come out.
What can I do/play/experience with a PS4 that I can't with a PS3?
Normally, being a playstation afficionado, I would buy the new console day 1. But lack of new good games, suspicions about the durability of the hardware I've decided to wait a bit longer. We all know about countless YLODs.
I need some info (please no numerical info about the system itself) about the new console, whether it is good to buy one NOW or wait for the good games to come out.
What can I do/play/experience with a PS4 that I can't with a PS3?
I don't think every game would be fun in co-op. Some games should stay the way they are. Like The Last of Us, just don't change anything but continue the story. Adding multiplayer or co-op to those games; (The Last of Us, Uncharted etc) seems to kill the emotional memories that the campaign left on us.
In my opinion,you can talk about next gen when we put aside the controlers and put on our virtual reality goggles (glasses) and play a game. It has nothing to do about graphics or gameplay or performance etc etc .
Maybe there is none yet, but as long as moviemakers treat us gamers like mindless people who watch anything you throw at them, then there wont be a good game-to-movie production. But I still have hope. Because by now they should have understood that if a game-to-movie will be made then it should have a good story, acting, scriptwriting etc etc
And I think some of them are not so terrible such as resident evil series, at least it has a story.. well kind of :)
But wouldn't you like to see a well produced, directed, acted, scripted movie of God of War, Uncharted, Heavy Rain or even CoD ghosts extinction?
Does anybody know if there is or will be a real sequel to the game?
I havent checked out the DLC s yet and have no idea what they are about. If they are worth the time I will get them. So recommendations would be appreciated
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