I really enjoyed GTA4 but i do not hv it anymore. So i was curious of how the community is doing on the ps3 since i may rebuy it. And if u could choose an extra feature for GTA5 what wold it be?
I want gameplay footage of god of war and MAG. Plus a new jak and daxter game announcment and footage of KH:Birth by sleep and announcement of KH3!!!! Oh yeah and footage of uncharted 2 and an announcment that multiplayer hopefully will not be in it. And if im lucky an announcement of another HUGE project.
The first one was outstanding and after reading the info about the second one of the series this will be even BETTER! More action, more weapons, following the the story line with a small twist (or huge depends on how u take it), MORE ENEMYS,Swimming, and a flight sequence. And it is all comming this winter!
I played both demos of the baseball games and the show was the best. But here is my thing. You cant hit the ball! Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
Dont do the harddrive thing! when i called Sony about this problem a mean lady siad ya it will wipe your data dumb@$$. So i just kept restarting it and luckily got on. The psn update fixed it. The store wasnt working for me either but it is only temorary and the account thing aswell.
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