Also FFIV has random battles (which I f#%&ing hate outside of Pokemon) that get really annoying if you don't like them while Chrono Trigger doesn't.
buttslaya617z's forum posts
... He probably means that his backlight isn't as bright as it used to be. Maybe an LED went out or something.
No DSi's are not region locked for regular DS games. You can play any game in it that you want. DSiWare is different though - you can only download games from your region.
That's exactly what happened to my first DS Phat. I kept having to press down really hard on the L button for it to work. The warranty's only for one year though so it's long expired. Maybe try taking it apart and see if there's crap clogging the area. You could also search google for a DIY fix.
Zelda for sure. NSMB was disappointing. I've played a lot of SMB 1-3 and Super Mario World and NSMB just didn't bring anything new that captured my interest. It felt like more of the same with a couple new power ups.
1. Mario Kart DS (So much replayablility! It never gets old to me)
2. GTA: Chinatown Wars
3. Hotel Dusk: Room 215
4. Peggle: Dual Shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Still haven't finished yet...) Honorable Mention: Super Mario 64 DS (great updated version), Pokemon Diamond, Professor Layton and the Curious Village (gonna play the new one soon), Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt Demo (used to play multiplayer in class with my friends when the DS first came out. the teachers never knew haha)
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