i got the semi-hard i-con case that came in a psp starter pack with a 1 gig card, game cases and usb cable. i got it at future shop and it was an open package so i got it cheap :)... the case is great it holds my psp (slim) and 2 games in their umd cases, and it even folds open to make a little angled platform to lay it in to watch movies
imho its because for so long the psp was too expensive. it "was" a lot more expensive then a ds, so the ds got a bigger player base cuz more people bought it cuz it was cheaper. sony dropped the price and added more features, but wayyy too late
ps: i would have completed medal of honor heroes 2 but the final mission is very hard. after about the twentieth try i gave up (made it out past the blast doors but couldnt make it any further)
i bought "x-oom movies to psp" at best buy, installed it, then i tried to copy my "simpsons movie" to my psp but it gave me an error saying that some kinda copy protection law wont let me do it. sigh.... that was a waste of $30
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