hey i can get either rockband 2 or gh wt full band sets as a pressie....... but im not sure which one to get.. in the long run im gonna have both rb2 and gh wt, so the actual games themselves is no big deal but what ive heard is that the majority of the gh wt drumsets have faults with them... and i've also heard that the rockband 2 drumsets have problems.... im going to be hopefully buying the goodwood drumset mod if i get the rockband 2 band set so im more interested in the instruments over the games
holy..i like left the computer for 5 mins... come back and press resfresh and theres like comments.. finally people reply :D thx for the song name!! haha it sounds rad (Y) i like buckethead a bit more then slash (Y) what bout you guys?
just wonder what the opening song to this video is from the very start...... up till buckethead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnrN89tHkCU&feature=related its not my video in anyway... i dont have a youtube account...so i cant ask them and im on gamespot 24/7.. so yeah.. but who do you think is better?
hey, i just got one todayy and it says leave up to 6 hours charging, but with everything ive bought from a ds- psp-mobile phone it usually takes less then half the recommended time, 6 hours is heaps to recharge it every time, is there a way that you dont have to wait 6 hours and still use the wirless. Also would anyone think the wired one was better.
if you get any of the RROD and you cant use your 360 and have to send it away, can you save your hard drive and all the saved game data on it by just pulling it out? or do you have to send it with the 360, even if you do are you guaranteed to lose all saved data if your 360 concs out?
they are two very different genres of fps, cod4 is tactical, where as halo 3 is run and gun, as you have a shield possibly leading to unlimited health. You also don't die as easily in halo 3. Also obviously halo 3 is sci fi and cod4 is modern (thus modern combat). They shouldn't be classed in the same area.
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