speaking about the gears campaign, i finished that with a friend on spil screen today on insane, it was pretty fun with split screen. It would be a bit better if it wasn't split because you could use the whole screen, as friendly fires off :cry:. But i often like to "screen-cheat" playing any halo multi player :P its just so much fun.
I was thinkin that with the 20gb ps3s, your pretty much just buying a blue ray dvd player and the ability to play 4,5 games. I dont think they should have trapped the buyers of 20gbs like this. You may damn aswel use your computer instead, because thats what the ps3's turning into. The whole point of a consol...is so you dont have to download games like a computer???? Even with this said, the 20gb ps3's have enough room to download 6,5 or even only 4 games? i think you should be able to get a really cheap upgrade for your HD if you already have a ps3 , that would make it fair.
but MS being the greedy and intelligent company would have thought up somthing to combat that, ie lowering xbl costs or bringing out something new and better. But i am also a proud supporter of sony and i do beleive sony will have a great increase in sales, they just didn't bring out the right games for me =\. Also alot of people seem to use xbl more so i dunno, i think the only reason people use xbl is because it has more players. If psn/ home did have more players, then more people would swap across i guess, being the only reason they use xbl is that it was more popular.
i would also like to point out that, its a better experience playing games online on the 360 then a computer, because you dont get people wanting to ruin the gameplay, paying for xbl keeps it serious, but after paying thousands of dollars for a pc, xbl is still, WAY CHEAPER + a way better gaming experience with the controller and all its just that much easier, i know you can buy a controller for the computer, but its just not the same, its also cheap against other online players. Same goes to the ps3. And wasn't this origonally about the psn vs xbl? the ps3 would be a cheaper choice, but get with it, less then half the people who go online, use the psn. HEAPS more use xbl. So you pretty much paying for playing with everyone. Also, computers are continuously been out dated with new graphics cards, moniters and so on, so why bother with getting an awesome computer that will cost you house and home? consols come out every 3-5 years. new computer stuff comes out every 1-2 weeks, no really im serious.
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