steel from the rich....give to the poor....then rob the poor and shoot the money!
cabbose Blog
some stuff i've found
by cabbose on Comments
I found some strange theorys from bungie.....sounds intresting
not mine writting but check it out anyways........
Okay, i have watched the videos over and over again and its just awsome, i figured seeing how everyone is too busy trying to figure out what the snake thingy is to closely look what else is in the video, i will post what else i saw and what i believe it is.
1. In the beginning of the 60 sec video. you see a elite dressed in Gold and Black, different from the typical ones we have seen so far, i believe its probably a high ranking elite or possibly a commander of his own army of fellow elites which is now standing before a council of prophets (u see them in background if u pause).
2. You hear a prophet say "I will continue the campaign against the humans", later you hear another prophet say "No enemy has ever withstood our might", At first i assumed they were just two different lines with no relation but upon further thinking, i think the council of prophets are split on the war, some probably for it, and some now doubting it thus causing one to say "I will continue the campaign..." this would only be said if someone would question the campaign.
3. Now i believe there is a general that commands over each race, The gold/black elite over the elites, the mohawk brute over the brutes, as for the grunts, there is nothing significant known about them and the drones, but i assume they probably have a general to rule over them. (im not saying prophets dont rule over all covies but they do have significant power over others)
4. In the vid we see a ring explode (or take a shot off) and basiclly we know now a ring will be visited some way or how, (Covenant retreats and we go after them or coventant figures a way to activate ring and it must be stopped or a ring is found or appears near earth) thats what i think.
5. "There are things about halo, even the heirarchs do not understand" this is either said from a covenant or a human but pretty much no one really knows what halo truely is and probably halo is something more than just a weapon/ breeding ground for floods.
6. One last thing we see at the 60 sec. video a massive explosion is see in the center of the city, now this could mean pretty much anythiing, a covie attack (i dont think it is but some do) reason why i dont think its a cov attack is one, why hit mombasa with such force while what they are looking for is there in africa (this was discovered by translating the covenant text on the site) I say that it was nuked by our own forces, why? once again, many theories, i think enemy forces have over run the city, last resort is to nuke the city to rid the covenants there.
Anyway, thats what i can type down without my hand cramping into a claw, i have more theories and would love to discuss them but i will not argue against anyone as i would like to hear what others theories are and what others think. fans of halo2, tell me what u think.
by cabbose on Comments
there are some real idiots from my school,almost all of the people i see in my school does not know what halo2 is! or gta san andreas.there are these show off kids who act like they have every game and system when there actually don't im sick and tired of hearing "yeah i got that too" and "yeah I have a xbox" ect,.....just be truthfull and say that you don't have it and not lie.
great grades
by cabbose on Comments
I am awsome in my school work.......even with all the games i play im still able to maintan a b+ avrage heeheehee :)
honers dude! honers! hehehe
still can't wait for halo2 :D
by cabbose on Comments
watch the 60 sec vid and pause it at 35 or 36 and tell me your opinion of what the he// that is!......
try pausing the vid every sec and review each and every'll be shocked!
look for the brute without armor punching a creepy thing and look for the yellow and black elite being prosecuted for somthing.....a trador?
this was freaky and strange...oh crap this is creepy
crap codes
by cabbose on Comments
the codes I got from gamespot did not work....the two that I wanted the most to work were RESPECT and MORE GORE.
I e-mailed gs and I dont know when the code will work...this sucks!
by cabbose on Comments
I don't know if I will stop playing gta for halo2.........I dont have time for both :( this sucks!....
my awsome sig
by cabbose on Comments
\¯\/¯/ |¯|)¯) /¯/\¯\ \¯\/¯/............\¯\/¯/ |¯|)¯) /¯/\¯\ \¯\/¯/..........
~~~~~~HALO2~~~~~............~~~~~HALO2~~~~~~..........NOVEMBER 9.........
/_/\_\ |_|)_) \_\/_/ /_/\_\............/_/\_\ |_|)_) \_\/_/ /_/\_\..........
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