@vengefulwilberg @cachinscythe I'm hoping to sometime in the future, yes, as I love the game. It's become something of an obsession for me actually. But I think that's a long ways down the road. See, I live in Oregon where there's virtually no scene for fighters. So essentially I'm stuck playing the CPU--which is nothing like an actual opponent--and playing online--which has latency problems. I HAVE attended some tournaments in Portland, and I was actually at the Northwest Majors last month, but I haven't done very well at those events. Literally everyone else at those events is miles better at the game than me. I also get salty too easily. LOL I'll figure something out though. :)
@vengefulwilberg @cachinscythe There are a few things that make specific characters a bit cheaper than they should be. For one, Wolvie, Dante, Vergil, Zero, and a few other characters have "charge up" supers that enhance the characters for one bar, but also prevent meter gain. Yet for some reason, Morrigan's Astral Vision--which allows her to be the projectile spamming bitch Chris G loves so much--doesn't have such a limitation. So basically, if she gets one or two hits with fireballs during Astral Vision, she'll get enough meter to do it again, and if it keeps happening, she can just repeat the whole process indefinitely. This is something many of us want fixed.
Also, Vergil is kinda broken. It's true that part of the reason he keeps making comebacks is just because people don't respect him, but he's also got some glitches that reset hitstun deterioration, which is the major reason people can juggle an opponent so much with repeated Spiral Sword supers.
Finally, there's the TAC infinites. I'm pretty sure they didn't intend players to be able to do those when they programmed the game.
Combined with a desire for some character rebalancing--as we're starting to see the same characters all the time--many in the scene have been clamoring for a patch for a long time now. But Capcom hasn't given us one, and the reasons are basically licensing restrictions with Marvel. I suspect that's not the whole story though. It probably has something to do with the game's release being more a marketing opportunity for Marvel that is no longer needed, and the team that made UMvC3 has basically been disbanded to work on other projects.
To be fair, though, as I'm a competitive player who usually uses lower tier characters, I probably have more to gain than most, and much of the rest of the scene is probably getting more comfortable with the game the way it is. Anyway, a guy can always dream. :)
I'm glad they're announcing new characters for SSF4, but I can't say they generate much excitement for me. First of all, Marvel's my game first and foremost. Second, those characters are all in SFxT, so it's probably not that hard to port them to SSF4. Maybe if they'd bothered to reveal the 5th character I'd be more thrilled. I'll probably still pick up the expansion, but for crying out loud, CAPCOM WHERE IS MY UMVC3 PATCH?!?!
@vengefulwilberg @cachinscythe On the other hand...and believe me I hate to say this...I can't help wondering if maybe Flocker threw that last game of the first set on purpose. It was the first thing that ran through my head actually. It just seemed too easy and obvious. Like he came in and only made a half-hearted attempt at a block. Given the hype, it's possible he just wanted to make the crowd happy.
But then, it's JWong, and JWong's known for coming back with simple tactics to the astonishment of everyone. So until proven otherwise, I'm gonna assume it was legit. :)
Darn. I wanted JWong to win, but he made it as hard for Flocker as possible. And he did it with characters that are less cheap than Flocker's. Wong's still a winner in my book. :)
I'm surprised how happy I am with the UMvC3 tourney. Both the characters I'm sick of--FChamp and Chris G--are OUT! And in their place? A couple of amazing unknowns that I'm thrilled to see! A SHUMA in the finals?! And a Zero May Cry player that I actually LIKE watching? (Cloud) This is awesome! :)
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