@Pulfasonic "Don't you have anybody who is interested in story, setting, character design, new universes?"
No. Those people are over at Square Enix making movies that they sell as "games." Don't believe me? Look at the backlash against FFXIII. Look at all the complaints about the MGS series having too many cutscenes and not enough gameplay. While I don't agree with all the backlash these games take--as I personally LOVE those series and enjoy the stories they tell--this doesn't mean Nintendo should adopt their style at all. When storytelling and character design and other things push gameplay into the back seat, the results are generally mixed, and the gamers often cry foul.
So which is worse? A lack of gameplay with tons of story or tons of gameplay with a lack of extensive story? It probably depends, but for Nintendo, the latter just makes more sense for the work they do. Though I AM getting sick of seeing Mario everywhere and hearing about the next Zelda and Pokemon games. The least they could do is try to milk their OTHER franchises a little more IMO.
@Nightrain50 @Argentumlupus1 Try addressing his point instead of deflecting the issue by making yourself sound like a jerk. And I'll purchase that ocean front at a reasonable price. How much for it? $50?
He's right. When people don't enjoy what they're doing, it translates into crappy output. People have to have passion for what they're doing. It doesn't mean things will be fun all the time; no argument there. But I don't believe people go to work for 8 hours a day unless they're getting SOMETHING out of it emotionally, whether that's the recognition that they can take care of themselves from the money they earn or they get genuine satisfaction from the work, or they suffer through it and look back and realize it was worth it for those couple small moments when they experienced joy, people don't work just because they have to.
But feel free to prove me wrong by mentioning the thousand ways you hate your job and the zero reasons you find it worthwhile. I'll retract what I just said.
@bluefox755 Considering that the reason they were voted worst company is because many of the people involved in the voting are ignorant of what actually constitutes a bad company--like one that throws people out into the streets through foreclosure, rather than one that creates completely voluntary entertainment that nobody has to purchase at all--I'd venture to say they aren't too upset. If many of the people who voted them worst company actually experienced what its like to live on the streets--or even work a job--EA would be somewhere down in the 20's.
Hence why I keep saying, as arrogant as it may be, that gamers need to GROW UP.
@CivilizedPsycho How does it hinder the experience? You get a controller with most all of the functions of more traditional ones and a touch screen with some motion controls. If you're referring to needing to look at the gamepad to see the map instead of pausing, I'll point out that in real life, you don't get to freeze the whole world around you while you look at a map of your destination. So I think your analogy to texting while driving is doesn't make sense; some gamers WANT to text while they drive, and the Wii U won't let them cause it's trying to push something more life-like.
I mean, I'm not a fanboy. I'm honestly just curious how you think it hinders the gaming experience...
@Daian I have no doubt the PS4 and Nextbox will dwarf the Wii U in tech power. I also have no doubt that I don't give a crap. Have you seen the commercials for the PS4? The friggin' graphics look EXACTLY the same as the PS3. Maybe a LITTLE better, but not enough to justify a new console. Meanwhile Microsoft has decided we are not allowed to take our games over to friends' houses without carrying our bulky system with us. I personally tend to lug my system with me anyways, so it's not the most awful thing for ME, but it IS a big deal for many other gamers and it has the potential to destroy an entire sector of the market: used games. I get that they're frustrated about those sales compromising their profits in an economy like THIS one, but that's just going too far.
If gamers decide to be smart instead of just following the "tech," they could send a clear message by putting their money behind Wii U. (Or PS4, since it made clear it won't block used games.) Then the games will come and the console will sell.
I'd like to point something out here: "Resident Evil 6 was critically panned upon release. It received a 4.5 on our site."
Hmm...let's take a look at Gamerankings. PS3 is 74%, 360 is 69%, averaging to 72%. Is that really being "critically panned" when the exact same phrase is used to describe atrocious messes like Sonic 06?
But hey, you can't trust Gamerankings like you can Metacritic, so naturally...wait...67 on 360 and 74 on PS3, averaging to 71. Huh. Guess you can't trust everything you read from biased review sites. Or--to be fair--maybe it was a misstatement on the part of Gamespot.
Seriously though, if getting in the 70's is now what we call "panned" instead of more accurate terms like "mediocre" or "average," I think gamers should take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves who's REALLY destroying the industry. Is it the companies? Or is it the rising standards that gamers refuse to control or slow down? Just a thought.
@xeoneex66 @abHS4L88 Meaning no disrespect, I'm sorry to hear that. While I can openly admit that I play my 360 more often than I've played my Wii, it actually had quite a bit of unique stuff on it that my hardcore gamer teeth sank into and I'm STILL sinking into. Zack and Wiki was phenomenal. Cursed Mountain was one of the most unique survival horror titles I've played in years. Muramasa was an amazing experience in terms of art style and gameplay. Excitebots is probably the quirkiest and coolest racing game I've ever played. de Blob is unlike much else out there. Epic Mickey was flawed but bursting with Disney magic and Spector's style. And even disregarding the unique stuff, there's a lot of games on Wii that were just plain fun, from Zelda to Mario to Metroid and even Sonic.
It didn't deliver the revolution that Nintendo promised--and a lot of that can be blamed on Nintendo--but it bred some things that weren't like anything else out there, and it had enough Nintendo titles to keep everyone else occupied often enough. Bottom line: despite the shovelware, Wii was a good system, and hopefully we'll see the same from Wii U.
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