what do you reckon? Fake or not? And if not maybe some word tomorrow from Miyamoto ( dont get hopes up but dont just get rid of em)
what do you reckon? Fake or not? And if not maybe some word tomorrow from Miyamoto ( dont get hopes up but dont just get rid of em)
I remembere dabout SSBB in 2006s E3, this from wikipedia "The game was absent from Nintendo's Wii showing at its 2006 Pre-E3 press conference. The next day, on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, its first official trailer was unveiled at E3 and at the After-Hours Press Conference, Nintendo officially revealed the game under the name of Super Smash Bros. Brawl", So i wouldn't give up hope just yet, who knows maybe a teaser for pikmin 3 or something else entirely may pop up unexpectently tomorrow ( not sure hwat time it is in America but im guesing ill be waiting till tomorrow here in Aus). So lets not get our hopes up but lets not just give up all hope just yet.
Okami 2 would blow me away, but it probally wont happen...
Personally id like to see RE/RE2/RE3 in one game in the style of RE4, i can imagine the Nemesis scenes being that much tenser. But for all we know they could be making a new four swords or Megaman X Wii or something, only time will tell
ok heres another, link and zelda think they have killed ganondorf by destroying hyrule castel which was tured into a floating spherical doomsday weapon, but it crashlands on a floating island and, using a plane they get there only to realise that Tingle, the protector of the island has been tricked by gannondorf into thinking Link is bad and he steals the triforce pieces. Link and zelda travel across the island defeating several badguys one after the other in a series of different palces ( a jungle, a underwater city, a garden made of marble, a casino, an ice cap, a launchbase, a forest full of giant mushrooms, a floating fortress, a egyt palce, a volcano, a hidden pa;ace where tingle lives and a sky temple) until finally boarding Gannodorfs floating doomsday weapon eventually link turns Fierce Diety ( but only if he finds the triforce pieces) and attacks Gannons demon robot....Fin
[QUOTE="GamerJM"]Brock from Pokemon is Blasin' (black-asain). cluelesspug
Pokemon isn't a nintendo created series.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .....yeh it is ( hah blassin) oh and if it wasnt why would pikachu and others be in SSBB? seems like you dont know Nintendo at all
I've had this great idea for awhile now, after reading all the ideas that keep coming up constantly idk wh, but anyway here is an idea that I'm would be pretty good....
I had this idea of having Mr. Myamoto and his team at Nintendo make the ideas and create the next Zelda game on the Wii, because after taking at look at alot of the ideas for the next Zelda game, I saw nothing but epic failures. Let the pros handle this one people, they know what to deliver for us fans.
Firstly, I dont surpose you could come up with a good idea ( epic failures you put it) could you?
Secondly, yes lets let the guys at nintendo come up with an idea that will always be the same each games, im hell looking foward to collecting 3 legendary items before getting the master sword and collected 4-8 new legendary items before fighting the last boss who change sinto a beast for the 50th time. I want something new, something original and i think that the Wii the console of innovation is the one to put it on
I noticed that allot of the time everyone has been making ideas on what the next zelda should have ( i noticed the one in the forums today about "links legacy") so maybe we should all come up with a storyline or at least what we think the next zeldas storyline should include and put it here.
Personally i think the game should have two playable characters, one from the future, the other Link from the past. Gannondorf should control the future after returning and the guy from the future should be a sort of revolutionary who finds out the truth about gannondorf, he also hears teh legends of the master sword and trys to obtain it only to discover it has been destroyed after years of erosion and the death of the sages. However he discovers the Ocarina of Time and uses it to contact Link from the past, the rest of the game focuses on what happens in the past, happens in the future ( this would be implied in dungeon puzzles) and gameplay would be about consequences, the main goal is to restore the Master Sword. Well tahts my idea, im prepared to flared for my "radical future zelda ways"
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