@razor_rj: Tell me about it. If feels like if you're using compound sentences on Twitter, you're doing it wrong. It's a one-dimensional way to discuss one-dimensional things. No wonder it caught on.
I know this isn't exactly on-topic, but I have to point out that it took 20 tweets to explain this. Why exactly is Twitter our default means of communication, again?
@TacticaI: Fair point about ESO, but I'd still like to see it happen anyway. Lack of risk-taking has caused this franchise to stagnate, along with many other Nintendo properties. Hopefully, the very positive reaction to Breath of the Wild can serve as an inspiration.
@ginra: You don't need to be a game developer to have opinions on video games, and you sure as hell don't need to be a CEO.
I find it incredibly telling that your response to my criticism is to question my credentials, implying that I shouldn't even be talking. Go make excuses for The Pokemon Company on Reddit or something, we actually have some semblance of free speech on this site.
Why exactly has it taken so long to make a real Pokemon game on consoles? This should have happened in the late 90s/early 2000s. They should have already made a Pokemon MMO too. They're way behind the times.
My theory is that a full fledged console RPG would be a new and difficult game for them to develop, and if cheap cash-in games like Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium would sell just as well, why bother going all-out? People were happy with those low-quality spinoffs. They spoon-fed us the cheap crap for so long we just stopped thinking about how much better the Pokemon series could be. I've always been hoping that this would change someday and they'd make the Pokemon game they should have been making after R/G/B. This is a really good sign.
The "no corporate donations" thing is crap anyway. It's just there to make you feel like this couldn't possibly be manipulated, but it obviously still can be.
Does it have to be the game's own devs donating for it to count as a "corporate" donation? What if Mark Zuckerberg donates $10k for Killer Instinct because his best friend worked on it? Is it only corporate if he's paying with some Facebook company account? How do you prevent this? "The game receiving corporate donations will be will be disqualified"? That opens up another can of worms...
Now he could donate $10k to Marvel with a company credit card, disqualifying it and putting KI in the lead...
I advise everyone to not take the results of this thing too seriously. Don't be upset if some stupid meme game like Arms benefits from a huge Nintendo-backed social media campaign and wins by a landslide. Personally, I would like to see Super Turbo at this event, but I'm not holding my breath.
GabeN is a cool guy, though. He used to respond to every email fans would send him (he probably doesn't anymore, but he personally responded to me many years ago, which was very cool).
Still wish Valve would go back to being a game studio.
CageDisciple's comments