the grapices are a lot better then the lite and dsi and whatever thers is it sort of like the gamecube ish
caiel's forum posts
and when i go to far away placeis a like to bring the 3DS and the chaerger and so i like the batterry to a bit longer.
and also when you put the 3d on on you have to be right is the midle like it cant be telt is has to be strat but it still awesome. and whats cool is the games are 39.99 so it's just about 10 dollers are so.
and that will suck a lot becaus i cant really buy them as much and ild just get like 2 a year
it will suck
if it was 30 or 40 dollers then probley yes i will
and the 3DS the panit is so smoth like smooth yea but other then the bad stuff about the 3ds it rellay cool,.
and no i will not get the 3ds if there is no 3D its like buying a game that dose not dose work and you konw it dose not work
the problom whth my 3ds is the battry dose not last long mine just last about like 1 or 2 hours and it dose not relly go 3ds but its 3ds when the screen is in the midle and some times is dose not do that but it is cool and i like it but ether then that it is awwesome and the games are really cool like the racing games
how come nobody is replying and just Reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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