Okay, what about Zachary Quinto as Shepard?
Too much eyebrow?
No such thing as too much eyebrow, fyi.
caityful's forum posts
Wow, no offense guys, but I think Soldier is a really boring class. :P
Infiltrator and Vanguard is where it's at! :D
Without a doubt it is, but it never fails :lol:
Haha, I'm a wuss. But I'll try either Infiltrator or Vanguard next time.
I can only imagine what fighting the husk would be like on insanity.
I was prepared to start a new playthrough on Insanity. Until you mentioned husks. Darn it :P
How many folks here have actually completed the whole story in both games on Insanity?
Yay, thats what I thought but I wasn't entirely sure. I really wanta know what Miranda's role will be in the new game but thats getting kinda off topic.Lightning__Evil
Me too actually. Oh I hope she takes over from Kelly, "feeding the fish". Not gonna lie.
But yes, Liara is supposed to be a permanent fixture to the squad. Along with Kaidan/Ashley and this new fella, Vega. Whether permanent means, you know, all the time, or just when these temporary squaddies aren't in action remains to be seen.
I also wondering who could possibly portray Commander Shephard, maybe Ryan Reynolds. IndianaJones414
Anyone but that asshat. He ruined Green Lantern AND Dead Pool. He can't have Shep as well.
I vote for Meryl Streep. As both MShep and FemShep.
Well done lads!
Look forward to the hazing - I mean, the induction ceremony. Lots of nibbly food and whatnot. No paddles. No nudie runs.
I like being the soldier, I think I will definitley do at least 2 playthroughs, one as a male Commander Shepard and 2nd as FemShep.
Always a good idea ;)
Gives you a chance to sample the romance options, too! Hehe.
I'll admit, I'm a sucker for Soldier too. Keep it simple. Guns are where it's at.
Though in ME2, you can choose a Biotic ability later in the game. Not sure if you can choose any of the tech abilities...
Regardless, I love Soldier.
Looks like Garrus will be facing HK47 in the next round :( Bioware characters are simply too awesome for all the other riff-raff so GS is making them kill each other off :P
I think I'll force my cat to pick in the next round lol
Something tells me Garrus will beat HK47.. The trends of voting thus far seems to suggest that the mainstream games/ newer games are getting favoured.
[QUOTE="caityful"]Mm, we need a roll call. Indiana is really quite active in this union - he's got my vote, when we get around to sorting that out.N7v1K0
lewfa1 also seems like a good candidate
TBH I think we should just discuss among ourselves (current active officers) about who should go. If we do a roll call everyone will be like "oh Im very active" when infact some are not lol :P
Hm good point. Haha I won't mention names, but I've noticed the extreme lack of activity amongst a couple of officers, too. But I suppose, school has started up in the states and such... :P
Well, both Indiana and lewfa are really active here, and to be honest, they've taken the ME1 and ME2 discussions by the horns. Which means they're breathing new life into an "old" topic, which a lot of seasoned members seem to be reluctant to do. Both users have my recommendation.
Or even an offspring of Commander Shepard, to see the legacy of what Commander has accomplished.IndianaJones414
Shepard the third, addicted to MMORPGs, mountain dew and cheetos. Saving the world, one spider egg at a time.
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