@SnuffDaddyNZ Genital detecting peripherals,fee for recording gameplay , irreplaceble HD, 720p games and mostly the SAME OLD EXCLUSIVES from 360............yeah i think u guys win ........................... from the bottom...
@VexxRed but still better than Xbox's launch.......... i mean , it actually has introduced innovations........the biggest one being the Remote Play Feature
Just tell me one thing ...is it going to have 60fps on ps4 or the same slacky 30 fps like ps3? ...i didnt realize the difference until i went to my local video game store and saw the salesman playing bf3 on his beast of a pc.....
Thank God! they didnt abandon it. Bad Company series were the only battlefield games with a strong , unforgettable storyline and really funny characters.
You can also play Turning Point Fall of Liberty or Freedom Fighters or Wolfenstein(2008) or Warfronts turning points. Then you can play Homefront.There are tons of games out there where you get to kill enemies of US (JUST LIKE WOLFENSTEIN) :)
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