@moataz1993 Well some people like me , can afford monster gaming rigs but I just dont see the point of spending 1000 or more dollars just for a gaming rig.That is why i prefer a console hooked up with a 51 inch LED screen . :)
My max no of controllers was just 1 for every console i bought.My friends had there own so they would bring their own controllers IF we ever had a gaming session which i recall , was only once. I prefer playing games alone .
@TERMINATOR-SSD Arma 2 and Operation Flashpoint DR were THE MOST BORING GAMES I HAD EVER PLAYED. I mean if you want military simulators just go be a grunt in the army.Plenty of reality there. Battlefield is exactly balanced between fast-paced action and tactical combat.
@TERMINATOR-SSD so you are saying that Ultimate changing enviornments , dropping tanks through subways , setting up ambushes , commander mode , new weapons attachments , barricade making , calling in missile strikes in game from tablets , 64 players on consoles with 60 fps , introduction of new faction , Special weapons hidden on maps and enviornmental kills dont really make this game special .... . you couldnt have been more wrong !!!
@hishamramzan I agree with you.Its more fun to play on the console.Sitting in a couch with a 47 inch LED tv infront of you and BF3 running on 30 fps feels good . Sure consoles are weak as compared to pcs but imo its the Consoles that are meant for real gaming becuz they have better exclusives,better controls and games come 3d ready which means you dont need a 3d handling card and all that stuff.You just bring a game home ,insert it in the disc drive and Voila!!
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