Hey y'all, how you doing? My gosh, it's been a long time since I last did, well, anything of any sort of substance here on GS. At least haven't done anything since the site was updated, so I feel like a right dinosaur posting here in this new-fangled blog set-up. Heck, do people still read blogs? I don't know, but there are a lot of people here which I regret not being more in touch with, too many to simply post here. SO... I wanted to write something and send it into the world wide web, see who among my apparent "followers" (because friends is so camp) notice my existence.
First off, the exceptionally retentive of you may remember that about three years ago I started studying medicine. That's a major factor as to why I started to visit GS quite a bit less; it's unfortunate, my prioritization goes towards playing as many games as possible within the timeframe I have. I'm sort of selective in that way. I have a bit more latitude at the moment since I'm writing by BSc-study (for the interested, it's about the effect of a decrease in blood cultures due to economic constraints on the diagnosis of blood infections, prognosis and treatment). I sort of make my own schedule, as terrifying and wonderful as that is. Anyway, enough about me personal life.
As promised in the title of the blog, I'm going to talk a bit about my game of 2013. Another stellar year has gone by, a bunch of brilliant games with a lot of variety; particularly, Nintendo had a great year with Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: Link Between Worlds and the third-party titles Bravely Default and Pokemon Y. Last of Us was fantastic and Ni No Kuni has really engrossed me as of late. However, there is absolutely no competition - Bioshock Infinite blew me away last year.
I haven't been spare on my fascination with the world of Bioshock. Rapture had me from day one, with its dark corridors, creepy atmosphere and demented populace. Everything about it shouted character, and along with the clever combination of shooting and blasting plasmids, it had me hooked. Infinite is really a continuation of the first two games' essence, but in a completely new setting. Of course, it's a transition from the deeps of the ocean to the blue of the skies, but it's also so much more. Infinite explores so many strands of storytelling - time travel, reality, fiction, stereotypes and dreams, all melded into a story entrenched in religious and tyrannical themes. Those themes alone are really enough to justify the trip to Columbia, with its pristine architecture and early 1900s atmosphere, it's a wonderful world that never gets old. At the same time, more modern technology is superimposed onto it all, with an explanation that is oddly coherent. Don't want to spoil anything, so let's leave it at that.
The gameplay remains a bit on the floaty side, but I still absolutely love how the shooting handles. The twitchiness of most first-person shooters is blissfully absent, replaced by crazy guns, crazy powers, crazy enemies in crazy environments. In between are moments of more calm, where you have a chance to actually observe the world you're exploring (unlike in the first installments where you see everything post-breakdown). This evens out the carnage of the action, giving you more time to gather your bearings and look around. Indeed, on a whole, Infinite is even more story-driven as compared to the previous entries, and it works to the game's benefit.
The ending is also completely unforgettable, one of the absolute best I've seen. It changes how you view everything that has happened before in the series. Absolutely extraordinary work. I literally love BS: Infinite, and I have no problem calling it my game of 2013.
In other gaming news, I'm playing Dark Souls 2 at the moment. Having a great time, though I didn't quite grasp what would happen when you joined the Company of Champions (apparently, it makes the enemies on the par with their New Game + equivalents) - man, did the game become difficult fast :P
Hope you all have been doing great in the past year, I sincerely do. Hopefully, I stumble upon some of you on the comments sections. Remember, I'm the lonely, silhouetted guy from Limbo. See ya around, folks ;)
-Jón M. (aka Calvinsora)
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