Um, no. Some games, like Super Meat Boy, SHOULD be played with a controller no matter what system. But it's the system that governs what you're playing. Playing a PC game make you, at that moment, a PC gamer.
calvinsora's forum posts
The difference in graphics is to me not slight, just inconsequential. I don't find it to be actually of any note seeing how I value core design so much more than the overall resolution, pixel count, effects of AA etc. I do play on the PC (my laptop, to be exact) and it works just fine. I do however prefer consoles still, and I'd say there's also a ridiculous perception that some (not nearly all) PC gamers have of consoles, that they're just for casuals and are in almost every way inferior to the PC. This is NOT a problem limited to console gamers.
And as an aside, PC gaming is ridiculously expensive where I live. All PCs worth anything cost upwards of $1000. Mark-up is a wonderful thing.
For me, yes indeed. The PS2 is my favorite home console, and the DS is my favorite handheld console (and favorite system of this generation).
[QUOTE="calvinsora"]It never flopped, though.Umm.... have you never heard of a series called Resident Evil?
He changed the thread title :P Sneaky one that. It was the complete opposite just a second ago.
Nintendo is to Sony that what a father is to his son.Sony looks up to his father Nintendo to gain guidance about making handhelds,consoles,games.Just look at the ps controller,rumble function,PS Move etc.Sony as a child of Nintendo tries to emulate his father Nintendos methods to copy his beloved father Nintendos success in life(gaming market).And who would be so evil and would want his own father to die???!!!
A lot of literary characters :P
I don't have much know-how in the tech department for the HD twins (I find the differences to be negligible, and the best-looking game this generation is IMO FFXIII, which is multiplat), but I don't think there's any credence at all to the PS3 being harder to develop for. This has really only been propagated by the various fanboys on the internet, I've heard from many devs (though I unfortunately have no concrete links) that there's little difference in developing for the two. The problem is that the 360 had a jump on the PS3 in release and more devs learned to program for that system ahead of time. It's basically come down to people having learned one system's set-up ahead of the other, thus making them more knowledgeable on that one platform. I do think at least a lead developer for 2K Marin commented on this when working on the PS3 version of Bioshock.
As for the Wii, of course it's more powerful than the older generation consoles. It's silly that people are telling anything different.
[QUOTE="calvinsora"]While RE5 offered little scare, it provided you with a great adventure (interesting story). Far from a disappointing sequel.Resident Evil 5 - no scares, but with the similar contained gameplay. Not a good combination.
Resistance 2 - Two guns, non-existent health bar, cheap enemies. It was CoD-ified.
There were others that I didn't like as much as the predecessor, but those are the two main offenders, I find. That list is weird in some areas, though, I cannot fathom how BS2 was disappointing.
What was disappointing for me was that the gameplay simply didn't work for the set-up it tried to convey. If you're going for action, make the controls as smooth and simple as possible. The restrictive perspective and control of the older Resi games was there as a vehicle for horror, making you dread each corner and panic at the next assault of zombies you'd encounter. In Resi 5, it to me only worked as a hindrance. I still liked it in some aspects, but I found it to be relatively disappointing after the amazing Resi 4.
Worst story in a game that actually attempted a story...I'd give it to Indigo Prophecy from what I've played. It went from interesting murder mystery to pants-on-head retarded festival of kung-fu and Tron aliens.
I sort of agree, though I wouldn't quite call it the worst. What in the world were they thinking when they penned the last third?
I heard the game was originally supposed to be episodic. The publisher instead decided to publish it all as a full game and so the dev had to rush through the ending. Still I don't think a bad last chapter should make the game qualify as worst story. I'd still say it's one of the better ones you'll see in a game.That does make more sense. And as I said, I wouldn't call it the worst. But it just started off so promising, I would've loved for it to maintain the gritty realism of the beginning and gone with more of a logical progression. In that sense, even with the plotholes, I found Heavy Rain to be a lot better.
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