Mr. Giancarlo Varanini How much did Micro$oft pay you or your trying to be smart!!!! It's not Sony's fault it's the Hackers, Sony don't need to give anything free because some mindless lifless people attacked it!? DID the American Government Payed the people for not protecting the country in 9/11 ????! NO THEY DID NOT and we are talking about lifes here not some Informations, they didn't payed cos it's not their fault!!! now everyone can say they should be more caution and how can this happened and they didn't know or they couldn't stop it the same way your talking about SONY, but there is one fact IT"S NOT THEIR FAULT, and you can thumbs me down all you want but i will say the truth the way i c it, giving us free games and other stuff are more than good it's great and yes i will use PSN and i will still buy games from it.
most of the up coming games r port (Zelda, Metal Gear...) i want a new Original game from Nintendo an all new Mario, Zelda or Wario games what's happening to Nintendo they always have Awesome first party games at release day! i'm really waitting for Kid Icarus it's the only new title that making me happy the other like (resident evil...) all port i will not get them i have them on console i don't want to play them again.
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