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5 reviews gamespot got horribly wrong

Not all games are perfect, and that's a fact. But sometimescritics(gamespot mentioned here to be excact), have different opinions than other people. Today I will list the top 5 review gamespot either game a too low or a too high score for.

5. Wallace and Gromit: COTW

Gamespot gave this game a rating in the 6's, when this game obviously dosen't deserve such a low rating. I had a whole lot of fun with this game.

4. Wrath of Cortex

Gamespot gave this game a low rating, even though I think it is good. Although, it does have loooooooooooong loading times.

3. Nintendogs

Editor's Choice????????????

2. Herdy Gerdy

Who would give this a 6.8? Just Wow...............

And, finnaly.. the most wrongly done review..................

0001!!!. The Force Unleashed

Surely, it's not 5.0 material, I am sure you'll agree.

Ratchet and Clank!

I have beaten both Up Your Arsenal and Deadlocked, and I am curently addicted to R&C!!!!!!! It is the most fun I've had in a game in ages. I have all the skill points in Up Your Arsenal(Not too many hard ones in it), and I've got about half of them in Deadlocked(currently on my second playthrough of the game-I got it 2 days ago but I played it on couch potato difficulty and it was sooo easy I beat it in like 4 hours.)

I love both of these games!!!!!!!

Top 5 dissapointments of gaming

Well today I am here to discuss the world's top 5 disappointments of gaming.

Well, first of all, Tom and Jerry War of the Whiskers could have been a better game, it is not a good game and Tom and Jerry should bring out a descent platformer.

Second, RPG Maker 3 is in no way an option for the ps2. The PC versions of RPG maker are way better.

Third, Doctor Who Top Trumps, I mean, If Eidos made the game, wouldn't it be like tomb raider? No, they just made a crappy top trumps game that is worthless.

Fourth, Big Rigs off the rails racing, duh. It got a 1.0 abysmal rating and it is no good in any way.

And Fifth(The Worst disappointment) is Herdy Gerdy. In no way should you even look at this crappy plat former that is strange, stupid, and has ugly characters with ugly haircuts.

So, Herdy Gerdy the worst game ever? No, I just put it because it was disappointing. I know It probably could have been a good game. Now Big Rigs is the worst game ever, but it wasn't disappointing because, well, It looks actually funner than Herdy Gerdy. So, you shouldn't buy any of the above games, except maybe Tom and Jerry, because it has a good concept but the concept has poor execution.

Top Game Awards

Today I am going to give awards to games in 6 categories, but all nominees will be games I own.

The First Category will be the best Graphics: Lego Indiana Jones

The Second will be the best Audio- ratchet and Clank: UYA

The Third Will be best action: Ratchet and Clank: UYA

The Fourth will be best movie game: Battlefront 2 Star Wars

The Fifth will be best PC game: The Sims

and Finnaly the sixth will be worst game to come out of a good series: Harry Potter 4

25 Best Games of All Time(In No paticular order)

Well, here's a list of my 25 top games and why.

1. Wallace and Gromit- The Curse of the Were- Rabbit

Why: It is addictive, funny and challenging.

2. Spongebob the Movie

Why: The Best Platformer Ever.

3. Gh World Tour

Why: You can craete almost anything.

4. Star Wars Battefront 2

5. The Force Unleashed

6. Fifa 09


8. Rayman

9. Lego Indiana Jones

10. Lego Star wars 1 &2

11. The Phantom Menace

12. Sonic Mega Collection

13. Tomb Raider

14. Buzz The Mega Quiz

15. Chuzzle

16. X Men The Next Dimension

17. Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal

18. Ratchet and Calnk

19. Guitar Hero 1&2

20. Premier manager 98

21. Sims Bustin Out

22. Little Big Planet

23. Crash Tag Team Racing

24. Crash Mind over Mutant
