I wish they would bring the playstyle back to the call of duty 1-3 days when the game was linear but it didnt feel like an on wheels roller coaster ride. I feel like those cinematic action sequences pop up way to often taking control over the game and i hate playing their minigames follow the leader, on the 3 *snipe*, breach, and helicopter hell reign, jusy to get to the next cutscene 3 minutes
@RaveNRolla: i know thats the aggravating part! She just doesnt want to reinstall the data later which is crazy because now she cant even play any of her games because she has no space left to update them lol.....long story short tho my lil sis is 17 im inspired to never have any kids :)
@kentray1985: first off i owned every RE game and beaten the original 3 atleast 20 times each game and if you count the amount of times i used to come home and watch my uncle speed run thru RE2 and 3 after school Ive seen the game more times than that. Im not saying that this is RE in its purest form but after playing RE6 (i liked leon's story tho) im just happy to see some horror. Also you don't know anybody personally so try not to give people a false lesson about what they like or what they have done in life....its quite annoying
@kentray1985: seems better than RE6 besides didnt they already say that this was a stand alone intro to RE7 and does not represent the full game? I wish the full game wouls be like this tho and yes I've grew up on the classic RE titles so im not a new comer
Dam i want to play this so badly but my lil sis refuses to erase any install data off her system thats been collecting dust for months talking about "what if i decide i want to play the game we erase"....blah
I just traded my sunset overdrive xbox one to amazon. I'll probably get one of the stronger models later on when they're dirt cheap or have an undeniable library
@cjtopspin: I've personally seen cops and doctors put drugs in my community, harass my mother every week driving to our home coming from walmart, destroying people houses just because they thought that there were drug activity going on in there and when we try to voice our complaints we get ignored.
Dont let these news articles fool you because there is so much more that goes on that you dont know about on both sides (people who live here and the people like you and cops). We are not all criminals and junkies. Yes we have the thugs and drug dealers but we also have many kids with goals that work hard in school working jobs everyday to get what they desire.
You say we blame you and cops for our problems and i would like to know which black person told you that? Some post on facebook? Some dude on fox news? A old black person who grew up in a highly racial era? In my community we bring up white people and cops only when somebody does something to us that was messed up (or good but we obviously give credit where credit is due in that case) and at my age of 22 we're so used to it that we dont even talk about it anymore. In fact, most of our conversations have nothing to do with race. We mostly talk about the same things you do girls, movie quotes, games, the things going on in our environment and where we want to be in life.
Now I dont care about your personal feelings towards my race but please dont throw what you think and some statistics you read/heard in my face because neither one can compare to what i actually see in reality.
P.S. the saddest part about all this is that we're letting a few messed up individuals (black or white) speak for a race on a platform given by the media to divide us and mess up the progress that we've been making over the years. About 4 years ago i could see people fron various neighborhoods and backgrounds hanging out but now everything is starting to get all tense again due to money and control.
I love how everybodys pointing out these negative things about my people but every month when a white kid kills his parents for taking away his game or console race plays no part he was just crazy. Also Im not making any excuses what she did was terrible but please stop acting like we're the only ones in the world committing crimes because you only see us on the news for it.
Camou504's comments