@Acheron18: yea tho RE4 is my personal favorite RE I will admit that it was the beginning of the end.....well that and Call of Duty.I feel that gaming would be ten times better if Call of Duty 3 failed miserably and CoD4 never came to life.
"We want to keep betraying your expectations in thr best way possible"Translation = you old gamers will never see true horror in a RE game again so stop Hahahhahahahahah!On a different note give us a remaster of outbreak!
Its funny how people talked crap about keeping hero movies pg13 for the kids but now since DeadPool came in everybody wants to lean more towards an R rating
@Jannywoowoo: i hope it can play the directors cut cuz i wanted to try it out but i still have my 360 so im not hopeless
Off topic:Why does the xbox one freeze up so much? Even when i play downloaded games it freezes and die
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