@kresa3333: It's sad that we all know they're not going to listen. Especially since you look in here and see that everyone who wasn't suckered into the season pass is not getting this expansion. They continue to say they will work in fan feedback, but have not even attempted to acknowledge those asking for the ability to go against bots with friends on ALL multiplayer types. Something that even Plants vs Zombies 2 got right!
Go to any mainstream female pop concert these days. You're guaranteed to see poses, outfits AND sexual gestures far worse than this, but that's okay because it's actual people. If this is what you have to complain about, you must have an awesome life with nothing to complain about.
Wow, as soon as they mentioned Patrick is not playing the Tick my excitement for this show plummeted. Absolutely loved his performance in the live action Tick show.
@logangta5: I would team up with randoms but I have children who love to constantly scream and talk to me while I play. I hate not being able to communicate and I also don't want random people annoyed by my little ones.
Thank goodness for the drop of XP loss in the dark zone! I rarely have friends that play when I do, so between random douches and absurd amounts of enemies; leveling up has become rather tedious and annoying.
@Pelezinho777: I was excited for this movie, but now after the '5 things to know before you see Batman vs Superman', '5 things that could happen in B vs S, 5 things we want to see in B vs S; I'm just ready for it to release so people will get off it! How can I be sick of something I want to see without having seen it? Just stop.
@heydink: I've surprisingly had no problems in Dark Zone yet. I have been lucky thus far finding random people willing to cooperate and help extract gear. It's been an absolute blast.
camverge's comments