If there's one thing that makes me angry in SW, it's all the ignorant fanboys who A - haven't played Wii, B - Played one or two games on it for an hour and think they know all about the wiimote, C - Call it a gimmick because of mini-game titles, completely ignoring the games that employ the Wiimote well.
The fact is, some hardcore gamersare naturally better at button twiching than moving their wrists (and arms, but only if you're a n00b or like playing Wii Sports all out). This even seems the case with gaming journalists, including gamespot - some fat editors are good at pushing buttons but not moving their arms and wrists at the same time (certain sit down to play Wii Sports and wonder why they suck) Other hardcore gamers can adapt, and after the learning curve, really appreciate the depth offered by motion control (EG: Excite Truck, Red Steel) when you're "hardcore" enough to master it.
Are there games where controls are tacked on? Yes. Are there games where the developer has chosen a bad control scheme? yes. But there are many which are really fun and deep, which are enhanced by motion controls. Nintendo is leading the way, and surprisingly, EA has many very solid titles already out, and on the way.
There's a learning curve for developers with the Wiimote, but there are many that have already gotten it right, and Wii already has more than a few quality exclusives.
My favorite use of the Wiimote so far is Excite Truck.
So, you can have your own opinion about the Wii, just don't think you can have a valid one after a short time with one game, or only a couple crappy games, or maybe you just suck at motion controls.
I love traditional controller games, just don't hate on the Wiimote when you don't have enough experience with it to judge.
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