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candlinnpc Blog

Blog: March 01-09

Recent Going Ons: :D

1. Games - Eternal Sonata - PS3

I have really enjoyed this game so far. It has been interesting and challenging. Along with the original story there are also little side quests that you can go on and complete. The battling system is fun and diffenent as well. As the game progresses and you level up, the battling system also levels up and makes it more challenging and up beat. All in all I am happy I bought this game and it will make a nice addition to my collection. Hopefully I will finish it in the next week or two. :D

2. Weather Report :P

This last week it has been mostly in the 50s to 70s. Woohoo. Although these last couple of days it has cooled off a little bit and it has been a little wet. I can't really say raining but it is enough to make the ground muddy. lol. Saturday we had a good down poor along with some pea-sized hail and tornadoes popping up around us. It was quite exciting. Of course if a tornado was really close to us I would be down in the basement in a flash but if they are a few miles or so away we watch as they go by, as long as we can see them. Storms like that can sure get your blood pumping. :D

3. Day to Day Living:

Can't say I have done too much this last week but go to work everyday and come home and get on my PS3 or computer but I haven't been completely lazy. lol This last Saturday I went to Lowe's with my mom and picked up some 4x4x8 posts and some sacks of concrete mix. I get the joy of helping rebuild our horse fences this year. I can hardly wait but it has to get done. And tonight we actually sunk 5 posts. As long as the rain stays at bay we will have a third of our stallion's pen finished by this next Saturday. We are completeing it in sections. Then we can begin on the round pen and the mares' pens. A lot of work is left to do.:cry:

I am still writing stories and even came up with 2 new ideas this last week. I had taken a break from it for a long time but am finally getting back in the mood to write some more. I am determined to have at least one of my stories finished this year. I hope it goes well. Don't worry...I won't try to write anymore poetry because I know I am no good at it. It is important to know your own faults. :P

Everyone have a great week & I hope to hear from ya!!

4. Scripture of the Week:

"For we are his workmanship(creation), created in Christ Jesus unto(for) good works, which God hath before ordained(prepared) that we should walk in them." Eph. 2:10 KJV

The Expression of Sound: MUSIC

Just wanted to be goofy so I came up with that title. :P Anyway, recently I have started to learn how to play the bass guitar. I have always liked the sound of it and when played it feels as if the vibration just pulses through your body. It is so awesome!! To me it is easy and yet still hard to learn if that makes sense. When I play with songs on a cd I can often find a couple of the notes but then some elude me. :D My brother is giving me pointers since he plays it as well and I am actually using his 5 string bass to play on. He has been teaching me about the T & L on the frets and he also showed me where to find C and how to read the notes on the neck. I have actually been able to play a few songs from a cd and with my mom on the keyboard. It is really exciting and I hope to get a lot better. Maybe someday I will be able to play in our Christian Rock band instead of only playing the keyboard. :D

Journey to the Underground Salt Museum

A few weeks ago I was able to go on a tour of an Underground Salt Museum. It was actually pretty fun and I was able to see a lot of interesting things. The ride down in the double-decker elevator was completely dark and they told us that we were traveling at about 7 miles an hour. Once we reached the bottom we got on a tram and were driven around the mining tunnels first. We could actually see how the pressure from the walls was pushing the floor up and making creators by the walls. I don't remember the technical terms but it was pretty cool to see. At one point in the ride they stopped and turned the lights completely off and you could not even see your hand 1 inch from you face (I tried :P ). Then we stopped by a pile of salt rocks and got to pick out our own rock to take with us. Of course I took one too but now I have to find a place to display it. Displaying salt...hmmm. Once the ride was over we were allowed to roam in the actual museum by ourselves. They have a whole bunch of different things to look at from old vehicles (that are rusted) to pieces of mining equipment, newpapers dating back to Abraham Lincoln, & different items from movies in Hollywood (I got to see Mr. Freeze's outfit :) ). Once we finished looking at the museum we rode back up in the elevator and that was the end of the tour. It lasted about an hour and a half to two hours so I think it was worth it. So if you ever get the chance to go to an Underground Salt Museum then go.

Is this really all Dynasty Warriors 6?

Okay, so I played all the available Mosou Modes in DW6 but only the first five characters in the Wu, Wei, & Shu family were available even after I unlocked a bunch of other characters but I can only play them in Free Mode. Is this really all of them that I can play in mosou mode? If so then DW5 in my opinion was far better. What is the deal?

Here is a poem I wrote for a high school project.

Tell me what you think but remember I'm an amateur. :) Maybe I should try writing one about characters in a game. lol.

Pure Lives!

What is the definition of a pure life?

Does anyone know?

How should people act?

What should people show?


Being pure is being holy.

Doing what God tells us to do.

Being pure is being an example,

To people all around us.


People need to live by good morals.

They should not drink, smoke, or swear.

People need to be role models,

To little kids everywhere.


People need to live by what God says.

They need to tell other people too.

If a person does not listen to Him,

They need to feel ashamed of what they do.


Live pure and holy lives.

Do what God says.

Never fall into the trap,

Of worldly lives and sin.

What tax season is good for!

It is time for taxes again and thankfully I finished mine this week! Woohoo!! Now is just the wait for the refunds. I would love to use these to buy some of the games that have come out but I will instead be putting it toward paying off my truck which will finally be paid off this year. Then I will have some extra money to build up my gaming collection. I can hardly wait. :D I hope everyone else (who has to do taxes) is blessed with good refunds.

2009 Game Lineup

Here are some games that I plan to play this coming year. I am already excited!! :D

Product Image

Future Releases

Hopefully FFXIII and Versus XIII will be out this year. *fingers crossed*

Q & A : Just For Fun

What time is it? 5:21 PM

What are you most afraid of? Noises in the Dark

What is the most recent movie that you have seen? Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (had to watch in on my new HDTV :D )

Place of Birth? Pheonix, AZ

Favorite Food? Mashed Potatoes & Turkey Gravy

What's your natural hair color? Sandy Blonde

Ever been a Neat Freak? I definitely have my moments! :P

Love someone so much it made you cry? Yup

Been in a car accident? Yes, someone rear-ended me a couple months ago. :cry:

Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons

Favorite day of the week? Saturday

Favorite restaurant? Montana Mike's

Favorite Flower? Rose

Favorite sport to watch? Dressage or Ice Skating (can't decide)

Favorite drink? Sweet Tea

Favorite ice cream? Chocolate

Warner Brothers or Disney? ...??? hard choice...I have to say Disney

Ever been on a ship? No

What color is your bedroom carpet? Very light Tannish color

How many times did you fail your driver's test? I didn't fail!

What do you do when you are bored? Read, play video games, watch movies, write

Bedtime? normally between 11 PM and 2 AM (not good when i have to work :) )

Favorite T V shows? Fraiser, Star Trek Voyager, Stargate SG1 (those are some)

Last person you went to dinner with? My parents and brothers (i really need to get a boyfriend, lol)

Park or Zoo? depends but i would say Zoo

What are your favorite colors? Blue and green

How many tattoos do you have? None

How many pets do you have? I don't have any, I am thinking about getting a bird

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken

What do you want to do before you die? I would like to go to Sea World

Have you been to Hawaii? No, I think it would be fun but very expensive

Have you been to countries outside the U.S.? No, I want to go to Ireland though

Time you finished this? 6:07 PM ( I am slow) :D

Can someone help me please!

I just bought a Plasma HDTV but when I play my PS2 games they are blurry. I have been trying to look up info on this and was trying to see if there was a cable or hookup that would fix this problem. Does anyone know? Any input would be appreciated.
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