1. Disease of any kind..2. Poverty..3. War4. Terrorists5. Rap- Hip-Hop6. Saggy pants and overly large shirts7. Female clothing that's too small8. "Pimps"9. Prostitutes10. Depression11. People who think it's necessary to put people down who are already struggling12. Porn13. People who are openly perverted and view others as nothing more then objects of sex/personal pleasure..That's all i can think of..Xx_Hopeless_xXWhaaaaat?!?!?!? What's wrong with these???EDIT: Didn't really mean to bold that last one but it seems I can't un-bold, a glitch I guess.But whatever. Let it stand.:P
Oh, let's see here...DiseaseMental DisordersBirth DefectsThe concept of race and ethnicityAll forms of discrimination (Why can't we just accept the fact that we're all human?)Double standardsPolitical correctnessPovertyIgnoranceArroganceThe preppy subculture...heck, all school cliques/subcultures for that matterBullying (physical or psychological)StereotypesObesityCrimeStressSo...um...yeah.gamerguru100Pretty much anything that's bad.:P
If I'm home alone, and I just so happen to have to go to the bathroom, sometimes my junk might already be open before I even get to the bathroom.Nerd_ManHeh... Nice.:P
Okay, so you all probably know how I used to catch stray cats in my backyard and take them to get lethally injected.MrGeezer:lol::lol::lol:Funniest thing I've read in a long time.:P
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