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#1 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts
add me then pm me and ill add you my code is 1998 8404 8056 7160
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#2 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

[QUOTE="ReyesAdx13"]I have a question, my mario kart name incudes a spade how do I add that in here? I've seen it done b4.PikaPichu

According to window's character map it's 'U+2660' like this! ♠

If it doesn't work, you can always copy it from the character map in windows.


hey pikapichu ive added you will you do the same please

PM me when you have


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#3 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

Two from the quick decal maker.

And a handmade one for fun. Dexter's Lab was such a great show!



can someone do me a pikmin please (any colour)

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#4 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

is this on the market yet?


Not until November 14, the same day as Mario Kart DS.

Yup, and note that the CURRENT only possible way to purchase this is through Nintendo's website.


link? to the bit of where you can buy it?

It isn't on their site yet..


do you have any idea of when?

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#5 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

is this on the market yet?


Not until November 14, the same day as Mario Kart DS.

Yup, and note that the CURRENT only possible way to purchase this is through Nintendo's website.


link? to the bit of where you can buy it?

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#6 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

This doesn't seem much of a war, anyways, i'm a cow, and i agree with wat guch20 wrote about PSX and the world.Not that im a cow. gamecube sucks because there are not many good games and besides there's only ONE(count 'em ONE) online game for the gamecube! come on!  username1117


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#7 captainpikpik
Member since 2004 • 973 Posts

Seeing how there isn't one, and this place seems to have a flood of new forumites this thread might help. And feel free to add things that might be missing.

Forum definitions.

  • Gamespot (GS)
  • System Wars (SW)
  • General Games Discussion (GGD)
  • Offtopic Discussion (OT)

Noob- Refers to someone with out knowledge, such as to the System Wars board itself, gaming in general, or anything else.

Fanboy- Refers to someone who supports a system with great enthuziasm.

Sheep- A Nintendo fanboy. Called so because their willingness to be herded by Nintendo, seen as their shepard.

Lemming- A Microsoft fanboy. Follow what MS says even if it's leading to their demise.

Cow- A PS2 fanboy. Is milked by Sony with things that should already be included, never getting the best of it.

Hermit- A PC fanboy. Loner, no friends gamer who playes by himself.

Manticore- Someone who owns and enjoys all systems equally...Impossible to achieve total equality and to be complety unbiased... but someone who at least tries.

Casual- A gamer who is not into gaming as intently as others, may not own to many systems or have been gaming for very long.

Hardcore- Someone with a vast amount of gaming history, knowledge, and/or collection and greatly enjoys videogames.

Kiddy- a name used to insault cartoon like graphics as being something a child would enjoy.

Mod- A Gamespot moderator who has the ability to lock threads, delete posts, suspend users or ban them from the site.

Spoilers- When posting about a game, adding *Spoilers* before any pertinant information will prevent the post from ruining the story, or game, for others; prevent the thread or post from being deleted; and the poster from being suspended or banned.

Bump- When trying to bring a thread that has fallen to the bottom, or off the first page posting *Bump, will revive the thread by bringing it to the top of page 1.

Lock- When an inappropriate thread is no longer able to be posted in.

Hype- The amount of attention a game gets.

AAAA- The rare and perfect game which recives a 10.

AAA- A game rated 9.0 - 9.9

AA- A game rated 8.0 - 8.9

A- A game rated 7.0 - 7.9

Flop- A game that has not lived up to System Wars expectations, such as when a game is hyped AAA and gets below AAA status, or when a game is hyped to a certain score and fails to achieve it.

Owned- To own someone, to prove them wrong in a big way, to embarass them.

Self-Owned- To post information that is completly wrong to the point where it embarasses oneself.

LMAO- Laugh My A** Off.

ROFL- Roll On Floor Laughing.

LOL- Laughing Out Loud.

J/K- Just Kidding.

T(S-L-C-H)HBO- The (Sheep-Lemmings-Cows-Hermits) Have Been Owned.

Fakeboy- When a poster knowingly bashes a system he enjoys to start an argument, or bashes a system in order to make the fanboy group as a whole look bad.

Troll- Someone who for no reason tries to start an arguement.

Graphics Wh*r*- Anyone who believes how good a game is, or is going to turn out, depends on how good the game looks.

Flambait- Lame and inflamitory arguments used mostly by trolls to try to start an argument.

Flooding- When the board is filled with new threads all about the same topic.

Multiplatform- A game that can be found on more than one system.

Exclusive- A game that can be found on only one system.

Time Exclusvie- A game that can be found on only one system but then goes multiplatform after the exclusive period has expired.

Port- When a game that has been out for a while on an older system comes to another system with no, or very little improvment.

Rehash- To recreate an older game without making significant changes.

B/C- Backwards compatability, the ability for a new system to play the games found on the previous generation(s) of systems.

Gimmick- An innovative accessory that is seen more as a lame attempt than a new style of gaming.

Milked- To be forced bo buy or recieve something that is the norm, or should have been included originally.

1337- Somehow became known to mean "elite"

Teh- A common mispelling, to make someone look unintelligent on purpose.

Abbreviations- Game titles (most often the more popular games) are sometimes abbreviated such as famous ones-

  • LOZ:OoT- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • GTA- Grand Theft Auto.
  • GOW- God of War... sometimes confused with Gears of War (GEOW)

System names-

  • GC- Nintendo Gamecube.
  • Xbox- Microsoft Xbox
  • PS2- Sony Playstation 2
  • PSX- Sony Playstation (original model)
  • PS1- Sony Playstation (smaller model)
  • N64- Nintendo 64
  • NES- Nintendo Entertainment System
  • SNES- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • REV- Nintendo Revolution.
  • PS3- Sony Playstation 3
  • Xbox 360- Microsoft Xbox 360
  • SAT- Sega Saturn
  • DS- Nintendo Duel Screen (DS)
  • PSP- Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)

False System Names- Some fanboys use clever names to insault the competition. Some examples:

  • Xflop- a combination of Xbox and Flop.
  • Kiddycube- named for Gamecube and being "kiddy".
  • POS2- refers to the PS2 as a piece of ****.

Game genre types / abbreviations.

  • FPS- First Person Shooter- ex- Halo, Half-Life 2, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark.
  • FPA- First Person Adventure- ex- Metroid Prime, Geist.
  • RPG- Roleplaying game- ex- Final Fantasy, Fable, Paper Mario.
  • Platformers- Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario 64, Sonic 2, Crah Bandicoot, Rachet and Clank.

Emoticons- Emotional icons used in place of words.examples.

  • :roll: The rolling eyes, showing disbelief or your full of it.
  • :shock: Shock, something that is shocking.
  • :| Indiffirent, meh, don't care, to disagree in a mocking mannor.

Types of Threads

  • Floated Threads- At the top of page one on some boards are threads that are in a different color and may be locked, these threads serve to 1) Give specific instructions as to the conduct of the board, rules and such. 2) Give pertinant information. 3) May contain a popular discussion that should be kept in the floated thread instead of flooding the board with new threads.
  • Poll Threads- Simply ask a question that is looking for a response, may contain certain choices.
  • Survivor or Vote Off Threads- A list of possible items (games/characters/genres/etc) are presented, each forumite is to respond with the One (1) choice that they would like to see eliminated from the list. When an item has reached a certain number as Ten (10), the item is taken off of the list and the voting starts over again, until a single item remains.

There... there's a start, tell me what i'm missing and i'll add it.


well done


you had to quote hat didnt you...
