carsales' forum posts
blinking red light. help any fix for this. my wife and son were watching madagascar 2 when it just turned of and it started to blink red.
I tried to turn it on and off and it goes from green to yellow to red. I have in a very well ventelated area. and mostly use it to watch movies.
I would say the ps3 because it has 7.1 surround sound and it's a bluray player. On the other hand the 360 scales everything to 1080p (the ps3 does not do this) It;s a tough call.
THERE IS A difference some people may not notice it but I do.
net flix is cool I just watched ace ventura when nature calls. but the movies are old. and the no dolby digital, the hd is hardly hd. Is it worth the fee barely. Bluray movies are the best. The web browser on the ps3 sucks. Streaming movies is cool but the quality of the sound and picture needs improvements. after you have netfix for a few weeks you get bored with it. I have two 360 and in order to stream video you need a gold live acount, I only have one with a gold account.
Lets see I've bought personally dreamcast (2 one died), 60 games, a ps2 (2 one died) and about 20 games, an xbox, (3 oned died and one I gave away) with over 80 games, a 360 (3 gave one away and have an extra for lan gaming) adn over 30 games. 3 different hdtvs and 5 surround sound systems.
adn an average of 4 controllers per system. just a guess about 20k give or take a few thousands. almost forgot the ps3 (60 gb 600.00) and abuout 3 games and 30 brdvd's.
cod4cod4 best online game is
Seriously though. Ever since the beginning of 2008, PS3 has had the better exclusives with better graphics, whereas the only thing the 360 has going for it is the lower price. Multiplats are absolutely equal for both consoles. And of course the PS3 has always had much more reliable hardware. So, worse exclusives + lower price console = 360 = more for casual gamers.
Who agrees?
multi plats look better on the 360. although the difference is less and less with each gameHave you people seen the new 360 ads as of late, more casual than the Wii.
and this
Really hate to say this but ps3 is the new hardcore system.
Did you see the PS3 commercial that promotes the video service? I think it's still pretty even.
Yes, my friend a seen it a bunch of time.
But to tell you the truth i rather see the ps3 commercial that promotes the video service than see my mom hosting a 360 tournament.
hardcoreGAMER one promotes a video service and one is promoting games. Gears2>uncharted>>gears1>mgs4 uncharted was the console graphics king until gears of war2 came out. Althoght the graphics on mgs4 are good they're not the greatest.
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