carsales' forum posts
:lol: Using off-screen shots = automatic fail aroud these parts but despite that, I still agree with you. Gears of War 2 is an amazing looking game.The_Game21xMy off screen shots suck compared to how the game looks. It's just awesome if you played it you know the game looks better than my offscreen shots.
nope uncharted still looks better imo (more color) and we all know in 2009 the console graphics king will be coming.njean777I was amazed by uncharted specially the level where you get to the submarine it was just beautiful, but theres nothing on uncharted that graphically beats, a few levels of geow2, the level where the city has sunk right befor the worm was graphically awesome.
dd don't work for me you cant compare them to bluray. bluray has lossles audio wich would fill a cd and 1080p that runs much smoother than dd do,
bluray>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any other hd source.
I have played and beat all, but geow2. I loved mgs4 I enjoyed all the cutscenes it was awesome if you haven't played it, your missing out on an awesome experience.
I played uncharted when it first came out and passed it, another awesome experience, the graphics are beautiful, the game was awesome, at times I sat there and thaught to myself, "could this be done on the 360?" it made me fell good on my hard earned dollars spent on the ps3,
I think I'm pretty much done with geow2, and the most surprising thing to me on the game has been the story. I stayed up till 5am playing the thing and only put it down because i have to work today. the graphics are beautiful the best I've ever seen on a console. the levels are huge. at one point I thought a part was a static image for the background it looked so good, If I hadn't walk through the level I wouldn't believe it. The story is my biggest surprise on the game. I like it much more than the first geow. Heres some of screen shots of geow2 sorry they look so bad, the game looks much better.
In the last picture everything is moving including the ground it is so gross and cool at the same time.
In no way is this to put down mgs4 or uncharted until geow2 came out I considered uncharted the console graphics king.
i have both systems, if it werent for the bluray player in the ps3 it would be gone. when it comes to games and online mp 360>ps3. do you guys have netflix? I didnt but now I do it works so awesome with the 360. most that have both systems will tell you to get the 360
I have both 360 and ps3, and to say that my ps3 getts a 1/4 of the use my 360 gets would be a huge over exageration. It is a great bluray player i have 2 ps3 games and almost 30 360 games. the multiplats are slightly better on the 360.
I have both 360 and ps3, and to say that my ps3 getts a 1/4 of the use my 360 gets would be a huge over exageration. It is a great bluray player i have 2 ps3 games and almost 30 360 games. the multiplats are slightly better on the 360.
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