what most developers so far have used the extra storage space for is mostly audio and cutscenes. Uncompressed audio>compressed audio. I had given up on the ps3, I figured I would use it as a bluray player, until yesterday when I played uncharted. It is a graphical masterpiece.Yeah, but can you explain to me how a 50GB disc could not store more information (pixels, textures, i dunno) and therefore equal a more fulfilled look than a 9GB disc? I'm not comparing framerate or anything, just the information stored on the discs.
Soz I don't know much about Graphics processing and the like.
carsales' forum posts
drinking fountains are free too, everytime I go somewhere I don't see a line waiting for the "free" water.10 SEC for 1 MEGA is slow?...... it takes about 6 sec for 1 meg with my 3mb dsl speed :|:|:|:|:|
its free man why complain? atleast you dont get lag while playin call of duty 4
[QUOTE="Kook18"] When you download something on the 360, thats it, no installing. The difference is one the PS3, you have to DL it, then install the demo, add-on, game, etc. You act like I'm ruthlessly bashing the PS3. I love my system, but there are faults to it just like the 360. So stop acting like I'm picking on your system.
... I'm not acting like anything. I was letting you know that you can sort games... in many ways... if you want, so as to make them less "cluttered". And I was asking wtf everyone who says you don't have to install anything on to the 360 in order to use/play the thing you don't have to install. Perhaps I misunderstood what that meant.
No, i've never downloaded a demo onto a 360. I do know, however, that it is impossible to simply "download" a game, and begin playing it without actually putting data onto a disc. So... I'm assuming Live uses a kind of, Steam-esque system? Wow, definitely a con... having to wait the extra 30 seconds for your demo to install instead of having it pre-cache the game data/install automatically, etc. And sweet opinion about the cluttered xmb.
Like i said, every "argument" against the PS3... is a f*ing joke.
it takes thirty seconds just to wait for it to start to install. If you had a 360 you would understand the difference and see how much it sucks to download a demo and then wait and stare at your background while it installs.
good post, i agree, One thing Your gonna miss is being able to charge your controll and download while the system is off. even if you leave the ps3 on and download some demos overnight you still have to sit there adn wait for them to install. In the morning. wtf?
[QUOTE="shaggygrosser"]360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.EmperorSupreme
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
I think what he means is the majority of people on psn don't have head sets.
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