Battlefield 2: Modern Combat prediction cancelled
The 3rd Birthday prediction Christmas 2009 Japan
Devil May Cry prediction cancelled
Dissidia release dec 18 japan prediction may in America
Dynasty warriors strike force fed 26 Japan, April 3 Europe
Final fantasy agito prediction December 2009 release Japan (prob later)
The elder's scrolls oblivion prediction cancelled
Gran Turismo 4 mobile prediction may 2010
Little big planet prediction December 2009
Kindom hearts birth by sleep prediction june 2009 japan
Resistance retribution mar 26 2009 Australia
Phantasy Star potable mar 24 usa
undead knights June 2009 japan
patapon 2 Feb. 13 Europe
monster hunter unite June usa
feel free 2 add to this list the sad thing about this most of those games are from asian creators and most of the ones from the western world will prob never see the light of day
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