I was going to put this on my "must pre-order" list when i first saw it but now it just keeps going downhill....i need to see a review before i get this
@PCanton i agree i honestly dont mind jay-z as a rapper but as an icon i wouldnt look up to him and i think his music goes good with the game. And besides this game is about BASKETBALL not whether or not jay-z is a good executive producer or not...
I love these games but they are so hard!!! i watch basketball but i dont play it and i wish i knew how to manage a team better and call plays but i guess i just have to keep playing to get the hang of it
looks cool and i havent played the first mass effect yet so if i do end up getting a wii u i might get the mass effect 3 version for it......but when will that be?!?!
i think bethesda has gone out of their minds with the collectors edition of skyrim i mean come on who wants to pay an additional $90 for a book a peice of cloth a dragon statue and a 10 minute long DVD really bethesda youve gone to far
cbb1018's comments