Kevin, I want to say I am very impressed by this review and I want to voice why I found this video so helpful. I have been following Gamespot for a decade now and I am finding your reviews to be on par for most games. In fact, I think you guys really did save Gamespot after the whole Jeff Gerstmann ordeal and this video in particular confirmed why I use this site. While impression videos for MMOs are not uncommon these days it occurred to me that by not having a score (out of 10) tied to this video and the fact that you told us about the game and how it works--rather than just giving us your opinion-- made this entirely more useful and fresh. The Secret World is a good example of a game that will not appeal to everyone. There are aspects that some people like and others do not. For example, the narrow quest options and the complex skill systems. But this got me thinking and I realize that all games have their own quirks and just about every game that comes out will have some kind of following that really enjoys the game even if you or any other major reviewer gives it a 6/10 or below on the scale. The comment section which is usually riddled with "ONLY 7/10 WHAT??!!! YOU GUYS ARE CORRUPT" is now a civil and interesting debate (well as close to civil as the internet can get). I hope you guys decide to do more reviews like this where the person watching is more inclined to make their own review score than simply take the entire review as a number to which only the words "good" and "bad" can be applied. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your opinions, but sometimes its nice to watch a review that doesn't force someone else's opinions in my face. Kudos Kevin, and I hope you review Guild Wars 2 as well!
you said you want a reviewer to tell the developer that they think their game sounds like garbage? Maybe you need to review what happened to Jeff Gerstmann. Anyways, its just called common courtesy. Its much easier to give developers the benefit of the doubt and also more reasonable.
The game is what you make of it, Justin. If you go into the game feeling like simply completing the campaign is the real challenge then you need to change your mindset. Try going into the game attempting to beat it with as few failures as possible. If you feel like its too easy after you fail just remember that the challenge was too great for you to begin with.
cboyuno's comments