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Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Burnt Toast
Amnesia is, and always will be for me, the game that could have been the greatest survival horror game of all time. Resident Evil 4 wins this award, but let's face it: Any horror game where you have automatic weapons and... Read Full Review
5 of 22 users found the following review helpful
Chrono Trigger
This game proved to me that JRPGs can be rewarding.
I went into this game with a negative attitude which I now regret. I was getting too used to being dissapointed by JRPGs. As a child I played Golden Sun, Pokemon and Tales of Symphonia. Most of Today's JRPGs weren't ... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Mafia II
Delivers where it counts.
Mafia 2 will probably get you thinking about GTA IV more than a few times throughout the game. It will also get you thinking about the Godfather. Neither of these are bad things, but the truth is, Mafia 2 shamelessly rip... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Half-Life 2
In all honesty, it just isn't that great.
This must be one of the first games where I have greatly disagreed with the rest of the crowd. I do not see how this game has been praised so highly. First off however, I would like to say I really enjoyed the combat... Read Full Review
15 of 37 users found the following review helpful
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Exactly what it should be and what it set out to be.
I have to raise my glass to blizzard and say that they are the current kings of game design. They really release games that are worth their $60. Starcraft II does everything that it needs to do and does not step on anyon... Read Full Review
3 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Like a Childhood nightmare
This game has more mood and feel to it than Bioshock in my oipinion. It is simply amazing and you have to play it. Some people may find this game too difficult but for anyone who enjoys games with a bit of a challenge an... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
APB (All Points Bulletin)
APB is not GTA online. <br />
APB fails where it counts yet I find it hard to even call it a bad . It runs smoothly and is indeed a gorgeous game with outstanding visuals and customization. Beyond that it is a frustrating mess created by a terrible b... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Bioshock is a grusome and addicting twist on the FPS genre.
Bioshock is an FPS where using your gun alone on medium difficulty or harder wont cut it. You must use your plasmids (which are like offensive spells) to distract enemies or stun them while you dish out damage with your ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Super Mario 64
The game that pulled me into the gaming.
This game brought me into gaming. Its graphics were great for the time and it is a platformer like no other at the time. The game has excellent level designs and they will make you feel like you are really in the game. M... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Gears of War 2
The multiplayer experience of the decade
I can safely say this game deserves (at least!) a spot in the top three multiplayer games of all time. The number of ways in which you can kill your enemies makes for a gruesome and infinately entertaining experience. I ... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Assassin's Creed II
As exciting as a platformer can get these days
This was one of those games where I found myself waiting for the ending. While everything was well executed in terms of game design, this game did not really draw me in. This was surprising since the characters were so e... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Dota 2
The Legend. Idolized by Basshunter and notorious for its crushing difficulty and required in game socializing skills.
Dota 2 conquers the moba scene and here is why. No other game will give you this level of teamwork and intensity. A mix of strategy and tactics like many games but requires reflexes like with starcraft. In-fact, starc... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Unreal Tournament III
If you like shooters, you need to play this.
Take Timesplitters 2, mix in the gears of war engine, add many vehicles, and you have Unreal Tournament 3. This game is such a fast paced shooter that you will be getting killed or getting a kill every 10 seconds ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
BioShock Infinite
Top notch example of a single player FPS.
Falls behind Metroid Prime and (the original Bioshock but not by much). The story takes a strange direction at the end that could have been better. Everything else is spectacular and I mean everything. I don't think I... Read Full Review
0 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
GTA 4 is two different games bundeled into one in a clever way.
When you start the game you will probably be compelled to play the first few missions. All I can say is that once you discover "party mode" you will probably spend most of your time there. This is because the game's stor... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Guild Wars 2
The truth about Guild Wars 2...are you ready to hear it?
The truth is, its almost as bad as Star Wars the Old Republic. I give it 7/10 because it is fun in its own theme-parky way, but its on the very cusp of being a boring, shallow game. The PvE is just a bunch of obvious ... Read Full Review
6 of 37 users found the following review helpful
Borderlands brings us the best co-op and split screen experience since....EVER!
Borderlands seems to do everything right. Amazing graphics, amazing setting and immersion, and all of this is wrapped up in a simple accessible system that doesn't require much menu time. In-fact, I would rather you ... Read Full Review
1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Dead Rising
Imagine playing a game where you could kill all the zombies you wanted. That sounds like a fun game...
The problem is this is not a "Do whatever you want" kind of game. The game has three modes to it. Story, Overtime, and infinate modes are the different game choices but you hae to play through Story to unlock overtime. O... Read Full Review
1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
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