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ccody14 Blog

Back in Black

Hello, whoever cares! I haven’t gotten to post in my blog for awhile, because of the GameSpot redesign. Not even sure if this blog post will save. First, I'm going to type about Battlefront II and some AC/DC, then I will move on to school.

Star Wars: Battlefront II is still getting better as the days roll by. The LucasArts website has updated its site and has everything about game play such as vehicles, characters and weapons. Only about 16 more days left!

My friend at school loaned me his AC/DC CD today...or yesterday if you want to get technical. It is a good CD, but the last three songs wouldn't work for me, and one of the last songs was one I was wanting for my future iPod Nano. Oh, well hopefully my Dad will let me use his credit card to get some songs from iTunes.

English II is a real bummer. 45 F in that class! I also have a D in Algebra. World History a C. Earth Science and German I are Bs. Stagecraft and Intro to Business are As. English I think I am failing that class, because it’s my first hour and I'm usually not fully awake. I really need to get into a habit of going to sleep earlier. Its probably just missing assignments that I need to make up, but again I'm not sure. World History isn't really hard partly, because me and my two other friends divide up the work. Earth Science is a pretty easy class also. I guess its, because of the teacher. She works with me and helps me the best she can. German I is really easy! Not sure if it’s the teacher or if she grades a different way. Stagecraft is basically a building class for the plays we have at school and Intro to Business the assignments are straight from the book, so those are two easy classes. All my classes are yearly except Intro to Business. Not sure what class I will be getting next year, I will either wait or I might ask the office about it.

Until next time! I will either post again later tonight or same time tomorrow. I would like to post around 8:00 or so, but  usually post about this time, because no one is around and I can post whatever I want. Right now I'm at my Aunt Rhona's house, but she isn't the type that leans over you shoulder and watches what you're doing. I guess thats a good thing though. I kind of want to share this blog with someone, but I don't know who. Strangers are sometime nicer and won't rag on you if somethings wrong with you. Especially on the internet. You don't know anyone and they don't know you, so who cares what they think!

Battlefront II Demo and Crappy Algebra Class

First off the Battlefront II Demo is kick ass!!! I really hate the timer though. I recently found out that the Jedi Timer doesn't go down when in vehicles, and I think that will come in handy. The demo is great and I keep waiting for the final game. One more month to go. Looks like I'm not going door to door this Halloween. This site, Battlefront II Features, has a lot of info about Battlefront II. It has stated a great deal about Galactic Conquest. Not sure if its true or not, but other things on the website have been confirmed. Only time will tell.

Ok Algebra...I really hate this class. I am always sleeping in that class, because 1. Look how late I'm up now and 2. I don't really care about it. I Don't get it and I could use some tutoring. I am offered tutoring, but I don't want to accept it. I didn't like the last tutor she signed me up with and I'm not sure if she will sign me up with the same one. Tomorrow I am turning in a few boxes of Kleenex to get three assignments excuse. Hopefully this will help my grade. I am hoping Monday I will be able to talk to him and ask him for help on all this stuff. I always say to myself I'm going to do better, but it never happens. I don't know. Only time will tell...

Hard Rock and Upcoming Games

I have a sudden interest in Rock music now and have been listening to it non stop. Yahoo music tends to repeat it self, so I have been looking for other stations with more of a variety.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a recently bought game and I played it for PS2, but it was rented and I didn't see all the cut scenes. It kept freezing on me, crappy Blockbuster copy. I just beat it and it was great, now I am planning on buying Warrior Within soon and the upcoming Two Thrones. The very next game I am buying is Star Wars: Battlefront II. That's the most important game on my mind right now. Everyday the game just looks better and better. New ships, Space battle, Jedi, new levels. Its going to be great!

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