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Gamespots new look and layout

Within the last couple hours GS has taken on a new appearence and layout. When I logged on this morning it was the old version but when I logged on just now everything has changed. I like everything so far, but I'll have to wait and see what I think after I've seen all the new changes.

What do you guys think so far?

Today my 360 just got RROD.

Over the last couple days I haven't been able to play any games on my 360 due to constant freezing, so I went back to the Futureshop I bought it from and they told me they couldn't give me a new one because I had only had it ten months and they will only replace it after a year, becuase till then, Microsoft handels it. So I went back home and tried to play a couple more games, and of course, the same freezing problem occurred. I then called Mircosoft and told them about the problem. They told me to try again and call back tomorrow. I tried to play N+ of XBL Arcade and it worked fine, so next I tried to run GTA IV. Once again it froze, and whn I tried to turn my system back on, I got the Red Rings Of Death. Shortly afterward I called Mircosoft again and told them I got RROD, so now they're sending me a box to send it back in, and according to one of my friends ho got RROD a while back, the entire process takes about two weeks. So until then I'll just have to play PC and PSP games.

Level 38: DJ Boy.

I just noticed today that I have reached lvl 38 which has been titled "DJ Boy" Im not sure if this has anything to do with some 80's NES game, but much like the previous levels, I think it probably does.

America's Most Wanted reaches 1000 captures!!!!

Today AMW host John Walsh announced that they have now reached a total of 1000 captures in the shows 20 years. This evening they had a special episode in Time Square with many celebrity guests commemerating John and everyoneone at AMW for this incredible achievement.

Completed The Darkness

Tonight I completed The Darkness. An excellent FPS with a great story. If you have not yet experienced this game you definitely should.

Completed Stranglehold.

Tonight I completed Stranglehold. It was like playing one of John Woo's awesome movies. An excellent shooter with lots of style.

Completed Army Of Two.

Its 5:00 in the morning and I just completed the single player campaign in Army Of Two. It only took me two days, but it as a pretty good third person shooter.

Finished watching the Alien Quadrilogy.

Last month I purchased the Alien Quadrilogy box set and started watching the films last Saturday. Early this morning (around 4:00) I watched the last one, Alien: Resurrection. My favourite out of the four was definatly Aliens, the second film in the series.

Both the Alien Quadrilogy and The Matrix Trilogy are equally my favourite film series of all time.