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While hiking today I saw Police Officers chasing a man with their guns drawn....

While I was hiking with my Dad and taking pictures pf graffiti I saw aboutsix Police cruisers and two vans pull up in a parking lot near an abandoned bulding. About ten officers got out with their Glocks and Colt 45's drawn as they chased some drunk guy into the forest. Two guys where watching from the roof of the one building and my Dad thought they where up to somthing so he told the Officers as they ran by with their guns.

I swear this is all true. Its like somthing from Rainbow Six or an episode of Cops. Goes to show what kind of city I live in.

NO, GAMESPOT, NOT AGAIN!!! Please, No More Glitches!!!!!!!!!

I really like Gamespot as a site and a place to talk about games and such, but it really annoys me when glitches appear that screw up your profile. It seems my "About Me" section was some how deleted. I had no offensive material at all, so I don't know why.

So, today I re-wrote my About Me, and GUESS WHAT??? ITS GONE, AGAIN!!!!! :evil:

This is starting to get really, really, annoying. :x

Four years at G-Spot...... and only at lvl 30. LOL :)

I've been on G-spot about four and a half years now and currently sit at lvl 30, Wicked Sick. Most users reach this point at around a years time. (mjk 1, for example). But as for me, IT TOOK ME FOUR F&%$#@& YEARS!!! Another reason for people to call me a very slow person lol.

Serious lack of Emblems.

As you may have noticed I have a serious lack of G-Spot Emblems. Most users have almost three rows of them as I have... as of today less than one. To gain more I'll just have to vote more and watch more live events and collect more games to get the various console awards. But... I could start moderating non-stop anbd get a moderator badge, but that could also get me a really bad reputation with other G-Spot users. Better find another way to increase my emblem colection.

I can't do my paper route because it wont stop raining!!!!

My current occupatin is being a Mail Carrier and I personally really like my job... most of the time. On certain days like today it will heavily rain which will not allow me to deliver my papers. I could if I wanted to, but people don't really want soaking wet papers so I am forced to wait inside until the storm blows over. This means I'll probably be e-mailingmy employer atMetroland (the company that employs me) at around 1:00 AM tomorrow morning. What fun this is. :x

I got Prey to run on my other PC!!!

I have two PC's though one has a slightly better gaming setup. I couldn't run Prey on oe of them BUT It works fine on my better upgraded PC! Maybe I'll be able to run Stalker and Crysis and BioShock too!

NOOOO!!! My video card isn't good enough to run Prey!!!

I bought Prey yesterday for $14 at EB yesterday and the clerk specificly asked if I had the right requirements. I said yes since I was pretty sure my PC could run it since it could run SWAT 4. Guess what? About 10 minutes ago I installed Prey and when I tried to run it I got that goddamn message that says my video card isn't good enough. I don't know what to do now since I wont be able to run any new games and I can't really afford another video card right now. My only possible solution is my other PC which is a little stronger and might actually run Prey, but Im not sure.