(round of applause) You actually googled some answers. Now we are getting somewhere. I "would" just explain it but again, I got small brains. With your big brain you can find your own answer. Google me this and this is the most important one---who actually owns CD Projekt shares? Who actually owns 20% (god knows why its 20%) of CD Projekt that they had to cave and release the game before it was ready? Who are the shareholders over there? Surely, if there is an individual investor who owns a large portion of (20%) CDP it would clearly be shown by CDP's website itself; wouldn't it? Forget individuals--surely if there was a big holdings company such as Tencent who has large shares of other game companies, CDP would tell us at there shareholder list right? Right? Please don't have a reading comprehension problem here and only address that 20% is just a random number you made; no shit. Answer the question here clearly. Who is it then? Who is the individual investor, or holdings company, or investment firm that owns such a good chunk of CDP that they can influence CDP to release CP2077 early?
Did you even read more about this situation than just this article on Gamespot? No.
@cdragon_88: Which just means you think the article is referring to common everyday investors who maybe buy a few hundred shares here and there and are middle class people at best. Not people who literally own large chunks of corporations and actually have controlling interest or say in how a company runs, when they put something out, etc etc.
(sigh) (facepalm). You really "DO" believe and actually watch all those Youtubers I was talking about don't you? The amount of cringe here is quite ridiculous for someone who keeps calling me a moron/idiot/five-year-old/insert insult of intelligence here.
Are you one of those people who like to "act" like they are smarter than the rest? Or is it no "act" at all and you actually believe in all your bullshit? No, you just believe in a delusional world by those Youtubers who happen to fuel your own delusion of how businesses work. Did you even research CDPR and how their business is run? NO. Do you even understand the concept of a majority shareholder? NO. Did this article here on Gamespot ever mention a big shareholder (investor) suing? NO. Do you even understand there is difference between CD Projekt and CD Projekt Red? NO. Do you understand the concept of a parent company? NO. Do you understand the concept of having a holdings of a company and owning 51% of that company? NO. Do you even know what that translates to, to actually own 51% rather than say 50%? NO. Do you even know who owns the parent company at CD Projekt? NO. Did you read the article of the CDPR founders losing 1 billion and understand how they lost that billion? NO.
Get a grip man. Here in 2020 there's google to help you understand the basics. Hell, I'm barely a novice investor who started about 6 or 7 years ago with much to learn. Do a little research of the company and how they operate before even trying to enter a conversation about something you've clearly have no idea about.
@cdragon_88: Just about. If it's found that CDPR lied to get investment, then the investors are right to be angry.
Pretty much. Unfortunately, the advertisement of the CP2077 to generate hype way back from 2012(?) with all its features and such to before release was "arguably" false. Whether or not it's true, its up to the investors still have to prove it in court.
@cdragon_88: Awwww, sarcasm, so cute. And pathetic, given you're the one who instigated all this.
So you, what, bought a few hundred stocks here and there and you think that is the same thing as literally owning a huge chunk of a company to the point you can literally dictate how they should be managing it? *pats your head* 5 year old's are so adorably stupid.
And yet you have the gall to claim others have no idea what they are talking about. Tsk tsk.
*facepalm* Your IQ over 9000 is quite astonishing. You literally just made my point...........that just because investors put money in CD Projekt Red doesn't mean that investors get to choose the quality of the product and sway it to be good or bad. The irony is.........................................................I'm not not even sure where to go from here....(sigh)
@cdragon_88: Stupid posts get stupid questions, ass. Your original post mockingly and idiotically stated that people didn't understand what investors are or do.
When confronted on that, you turned HUGELY defensive. Which strongly suggest that you yourself don't have a fucking clue what an investor actually is, or does.
And you pretty much confirmed it with that highly and overly simplistic answer. So thank you for showing me what an idiot you truly are.
Oh, by the way, people understand that just fine. Nothing anyone has said here suggests otherwise. Dipshit troll.
I'm sorry for being an idiot and a troll. Sorry for being lower IQ than yourself and not knowing the true meaning of being an investor and claimed I knew more about than I did---when in fact, you are correct that I wrongly assumed "that people didn't understand what investors are or do."
I now know, that it was my fault for Intel creating crappy CPUs to go against AMDs Ryzen series in the last couple years---for I was, an Intel investor before selling my shares to purchase AMDs. If it wasn't for us investors, Intel would have created newer better CPUs and their fabrication process would have gone smoothly. You and some others here have truly opened my eyes on the evil deeds us investors have done. Thank you sir.
@cdragon_88: Awwww, that's so cute, pretends like I have a reading comprehension issue and then idiotically repeats his bullshit.
All right, let's dumb it down since apparently you're 5 years old. What, pray tell, is it that you think people don't understand about what an investor is or does, yeah?? Try and remember you have a brain inside of your skull and actually answer the question this time instead of repeating some idiotic nonsense. Kthxbai.
Stupid questions get stupid answers. the answer really should go without saying, but I guess I'll say it anyways since your IQ is way over 5 years old that I have to explain it--hell I'll even put it in 5-year-old language for you since you speak it. People no understand investor----she invests. Do put money in company.
@cdragon_88: To be fair, the article isn't very clear about who exactly these investors are, either shareholders, owners, traditional investors, banks, their moms, etc. I mean, it's likely the shareholders, but it could be all groups.
Only referring to the folks who are blaming the investors for this broken game. Investors have no say in the quality of the game. They either invest or don't into a company by believing/not believing in its proposed product and quality. In this case the product was not as advertised. Case in point, Nikola lying about their autodrive truck. No investor told Nikola to deliver a fake video of a truck rolling down a hill.
cdragon_88's comments