@gleencross: I would reply with my own point of view, but its better to just show how you are basically contradicting yourself with your own post with some edits with underlining, bolding and italics.
The fact of the matter is or the main point is--who gets to decide who is iconic and untouchable? You?
"Of course there's exceptions, we don't live in a world of absolutes. If your own agenda is trashing another culture, then you deserve to be flayed alive. But if you are not twisting anything that matters, then it's all free. It's really that simple, I know it sounds harsh to say that dr. strange is irrelevant, but it's the reality for many products out there. The Witcher is an iconic Polish Story, people mix up things. The characters in the Witcher Universe are not all White (even noted by the author), they can be from any race really. Polish Lore ≠ everyone is White. And Poland, just like every other country, their works are very egocentric. Take a popular Polish Lore like the Witcher, the protagonist is a super Witcher Polish male, his rival is a super Polish monster, etc.. even if Geraltacts on a global scale, the target audience are the Polish, so it will be centered around them. But in reality, Geralt and Polish Monster can be played by any person. Motoko Kusanagi on the other hand, she has the whole trope about her living in cybernetic future "Japan", her black hair and brown eyes is a trademark of the character, etc.. She has an iconic visual, her race is important because of her questioning her Humanity, etc.. unlike the characters in Witcher--which is set in a fictional country. Also, even when the product doesn't matter, has no cultural impact, etc.. It's always insulting when people try to twist the formal bases of existing characters. Black Peter Parker, homosexual Wolverine, etc.. There's no reason to do that other than push an agenda... And when that happen, it's so twisted that we can't simply let it pass. There's no difference between SJWs forcing their agenda compared with fascism. Do it naturally, instead of making a White Motoko Kusangai, you create Miles Morales. That's the way, instead of making a White Motoko Kusangai, then create a new white character that fits the GitS world/lore. But a bunch of hollywood rejects can create quality fan fiction just like cd projekt did? I doubt it."
@gleencross: So if no one knows a character, we can make them to whatever race, ethnic group, and color we want? Okay, I got it. I can't wait to see a movie about a non-popular character in British oriented-lore that stars an Hindu dude. Sign me up for that old Chinese movie with that non-popular character that is based on Chinese lore starring the Black guy. Or better yet, sign me up for that African lore movie that stars the Asian guy.
Let's just stop with the "exception rule" just because we like a certain character or series. That monk should have been Asian. GiTS should have starred an Asian woman. Valkyrie should have been white. The whole change of race thing is just pandering to an audience with political correctness. By the way, Ghost in the Shell is pretty iconic--by your logic-- she should have been Asian.
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