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cdrak0715 Blog

Warning: Contains Rant

Once upon a time, I was a huge fan of a television show. I loved watching it week after week and could barely wait for the next episode. Then the producers got stupid and ruined the entire thing for me to the point that I am no longer interested in them or any of their projects. I don't really participate in the fandom any longer (altho I only became active in it after things went bad). I've made several wonderful friends as a result of all that and I'll treasure them forever, but the producers can eat my dust. Today, someone from their marketing department called me trying to flog something or other (I didn't let her get that far). They do this periodically. I keep telling them I'm not interested and don't want anything from them and yet they keep calling. Ok... so there isn't a conclusion here, but I needed to get that out of my system before I imploded.

private communications

It seems that some users don't realize that posting the contents of emails and PMs without the permission of the writer amounts to invasion of privacy (or at the very least it's bad manners). This bothers me.

did I miss something in school?

I can't help but notice that some users type all their posts in a weird mixture of upper and lower case letters. Are schools now offering classes in creating ransom notes or something? I can't think of any other use for that style of typing.

new level, new avatar

I decided to make Marvin my avatar. He's my avatar on a couple of boards. I'm not sure I can use the animated one I normally use, so I took one frame and made the avatar. Anyway, late last night (my time), I went from Level 3 (2%) to Level 4 (50+%). Tonight when I signed on, I found I was Level 5 (61%). YAAAY! I just want to get my submissions processed so I have a shot to get my actor guide back!

Take me out to the ballgame!

I love baseball. As someone much wiser than me said, it'll break your heart. That doesn't stop me. I took today off from work (ok, so I played hookey!) to go with my sister, our mother and my sister's son (my nephew, of course) to see the Mets play the San Diego Padres. I couldn't have made a better decision. I got to spend some time with my teenage nephew, talk about his experience taking the GREs yesterday, keep a scorecard and the Mets blew out the Padres 12-0! YOWSER! The Mets pitcher, Ishii, got off to a rough start, walking batters and then getting someone to hit into a double play. First baseman Doug Mientkeiwicz led off the bottom of the third with a homer. The Mets never looked back. Catcher Ramon Castro hit a homer in the 5th. Maybe I should skip work more often. We're talking about doing the same thing in a couple of weeks.

changed my avatar to Scotty

in memory of James Doohan. Seemed a fitting way to thank him for all the entertainment. I think I'll leave it up for 24 hours or so and then go back to Snoopy (aka Joe Cool).