ceciljornalFTW's forum posts
At this very moment, I'm stood by the fog that's right next to Flamelurker. He's going down this time (even though I've said that on the past god knows how many occasions I've tried :P).
Edit: Wow, quote fail.
I've killed 3 bosses now: Phalanx, Spider and Tower Knight guy. Tower Knight I got on my second go for someone else, and then did it for myself the third time, did Phalanx first time and Spider first time... so looking forward to the harder bosses! wait 'till you gill to Flame lurker . Lurker is easy. Use magics on him and the kite him to the ladder. Dont worry if he bezerks.i disagree, the game is perfect in its mechanics. Its completely fair, if you die is cause you failed. Simply as that.Don't listen to the people saying it's not cheap, because it can be very cheap at times. Personally I think it tests my patience more than it tests my skill at playing the game. Since every time you die you have to restart the entire level it can be very very tedious sometimes.
isnt it valkiria chronicles?If I could get Blazbue for that price, I wouldn't hesitate to buy Valkyria Chronicles again along with it.
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