Dragon Nest and VIndicus. I never heard anyone talk about them on this site.
ceelogic's forum posts
Flop is flop.
Wii fans are trying to justify Skyward Sword flop is better than Uncharted 3, Skyrim and Gears of war 3?:lol:
The only thing Skyward Sword wins is in Sales and Nostalgia.bobcheeseball
Nobody is justifying or claiming anything, its just an acknowledgement of Skyward Sword's critical success.
I'm not sure why you're so bothered by this :|
Nintendo could release the same game with new graphics andnot change anything about the series and people would still rste Zelda high...wait that is what nintendo does, and you sheep just eat it up.
Yes, and I suppose the majority of videogame journalists are all nostalgia deluded sheep as well.I recommend in the future you actually play the games you talk about so you don't come across as a complete fool.
I tried to give skyward sword a fair shake but never made it pass the first four hours, it's just really boring. I hope this is the last time we see this in a zelda game cause TP suffered from the same. I quit TP (gamecube) right before you get the third twilight piece, chasing down those bugs with wolf link just became repetitive and boring. But on another note I watched my son play through SS at no point did I see him have a hard time solving the puzzles or defeating the bosses. He would die maybe the first time and then figure it out (with a little help from me) on the second try. If you were wondering he is 5...I grew up with nintendo and no longer enjoy their games because everytime I play them I just feel like I already played this.PC really is the future. For those that need to get one and fear building,I recommend ASUS, you really get alot for your money.
thats how FF13 looks in game, low res textures everywhere
No, this is how both games look:
You must have a s**tty monitor or something if you didn't notice that the pictures you posted were low-quality shots full of noise and artifacts.
That's not a true representation of a game's graphics.
Those ff12 shot are from an emulator with the rez turned up.The western devs are just too mighty and square enix know they fight a losing battle...and yes I know dark souls is eastern.
Nintendo could release the same game with new graphics andnot change anything about the series and people would still rste Zelda high...wait that is what nintendo does, and you sheep just eat it up.
this is shocking to no one, everyone on this site can predict the line up for the next couple of years from nintendo...Breaking news nintendo announces HD ZELDA And SUPER MARIO GALAXY U.
just another sony damage control thread..nothing to see here 7/10
I'm no sony fanboy. Most of my post have been pro 360...maybe last gen cause the ps2 was my favorite system. I own all the systems and a pc. But you got to admit we are just now starting to see the sheep emerge here on this site more than usual.
You're a pretty low-level posters and clearly don't know what you're talking about because there are plenty of people who defend the Wii here, and there are a bunch of games that use the Wii remote well.[QUOTE="ceelogic"]
As we all know system wars this gen has mainly been a battle of the 360 and the ps3. People would talk crap about the wii but you never saw a nintendo fan boy try to defend the system. Since the release of Skyward Sword the nintendo fanboys have been posting in droves. Nintendo this nintendo that. My question is, why now? Could it be that LOZSS is the only game to use the wiimote in a innovative manner, (because lets face it until LOZSS a swing of the remote just emulated a button press)or is it that the wii is dirt cheap now and you low lvl pro nintendo posters just recently got a wii.I'm just curious as to why y'all waited to the end of the generation to start defending the wii.
But you fail to give any examples of these games. As far as my lvl goes I just suppress it like they do in dragonballz.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 prove you wrong.[QUOTE="ceelogic"]
Could it be that LOZSS is the only game to use the wiimote in a innovative manner, (because lets face it until LOZSS a swing of the remote just emulated a button press)or is it that the wii is dirt cheap now and you low lvl pro nintendo posters just recently got a wii.
You must be talking about the twirl jump by making a circle with the wii mote= make a circle with the analog press a button. Nothing innovative here.
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