Half of those character never saw life on a MS consolePerfect Dark, Kameo, Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie, Halo (Master Chief, Arbiter), The Agent from Crackdown, Conker, Lupus, Vela, Juno from Jet Force Gemini, Battletoads (I think Rare owns that IP!), Splosion Man, Ms. Splosion Man, The Gunstringer..
Oh well, that's some ideas to get started. Seems like a fairly decent roster to me.
Oh yeah, and Viva Pinata if you need someone to replace pokemon. Haha.
ceelogic's forum posts
But the graphic on the wii suck so much buttocksHow about I just ignore both of them and stick with the Wii?
That seems like the most logical approach to this predicament.
It has been said that gamers themselves hold back the progress of the gaming world. This statement is the truth as far as I'm concerned. Companies rehash games year after year with little or no improvement over its predecessor, launch systems with no games, and worst of all release games where the consumer is to become the play tester. WHY? Because we put up with it. Today's gamer needs to speak with their wallets, because the dollar is the only thing these gaming companies understand. If we the gamer demanded change we would see it cause these companies want our money. Sometimes I wonder if the CEO of some of these gaming companies look at us gamers as weak, knowing that most would spend their last dollar just to play that new game that isn't so new or pay 100 bucks for DLC that gives you an edge in the game that supposed to be free. Somewhere around the world someone is reaching for their wallet ready to purchase this DLC, please be strong and don't. If no one buys it we will see the price drop faster than the underwear of a employee at the bunny ranch. The list of problems with the gaming industry could go on for pages and even the ones not mentioned, we only have ourselves to blame. Shame on those who have no self control.
yo mamma so fat she uses cheat codes for wii fitimaps3fanboyGood one lol
yo momma so ugly when she goes to the bank they tell her to put a ski mask on
Yo momma so short she can sit on the curb and swing her legs
Ahh system wars the place where no one reads the original post and comments strive to make you laugh but never do...
You take the internet seriously? That was your first mistake.
And how the hell should we know what's next for Zelda?
We don't really know anything about the Wii U, and all we've seen are tech demos. Everything would be just pure specualtion at this point.
Hey you go choke yourself. No one takes the internet seriously. I was asking the question of would nintendo have zelda use the wiimote in an hd skywad rehash or a new experience build around the new controller. The comment was written to be a joke sorry the words touched your soul there was no need to rply.Ahh system wars the place where no one reads the original post and comments strive to make you laugh but never do...
As we all know with every change to zelda game play we can expect to see it in the next installment as well. A link to the past has set the formula for all the handheld games released OOT set the standard for all 3d zeldas up to the release of skyward. The zeldas released on the ds wil be the formula for future zeldas released on the system that are not remakes. my question is what will be the formula for zelda with the wii u and its new controller. I know that the wiimote wil be compatible with the wii u but will nintendo rely on the wiipad to develop a new formula for the series or just stick with the skyward formula. I can't see both being used because your hand would be full with the nunchuck and wiimote and switching between the to would be a break in the gameplay. I have a feeling we wil be seeing big changes in the series for the wii u adventure. I just hope they donit make is a console version of the ds games cause imo those games sucked. If they do decided to use the wiipad let us pray that they don't return to the OOT conbat style cause that would be a step backwards. Share your thoughts and ideas on the subject.
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