@Coldpain @sun_spirit @cesarexec22 @Jebril OMG what a godamm ripoff ... this super smash bros is in a league of its own.. there just isn't any other similar fighting game that comes even close to it lol ..this game will be EPIC ...I just reallyyyyyyyyy hope the online is fixed and playable .. brawl online was a complete disaster it ruined the potential of the game
@Akijo @n0matter @cirugo its actually a good thing because now the wii u version wont be held back in content because of the 3ds. I read it in one of the articles here that the roster wont be vastly updated because of the 3ds.
@kerelious @Overkillhazard @Darrius_Cole @YearoftheSnake5 so many imbeciles that dont realize that nintendo saved this ip...SO ITS THEIRS TO KEEP SO SUCK IT HATING MORONS!
cesarexec22's comments