@b_o_l_h_a what are your pc specs??, and if your anywhere in the mhz for processor speed, your severly screwed and might need a major upgrade in hardware
OMG this is just terrible, I can understand a glitch here and there, but this is a catastrophe...the demo is barely playable!!! running on very dated hardware smh ...WII U ALLLL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
@bigruss51 @Thunderbear24 WTF?? wow what a ignorant stupid statement, The wii u hardware is perfect for the games it has and if the graphics are as good as some of the recent developers are saying then the wii u will have no problem standing on its own. Just because the wii u probably wont have the same level of hardware doesn't mean it will be gone, by the time the new consoles launch smash bros will be coming out, and that alone will bring a whole new level of excitement that will give the wii u another huge advantage against its competition.
cesarexec22's comments