If you live in KL, go to MidValley and straigth to a shop named OEM Shop. They sell original games and even you canpreorder from them. You can pre-order Crysis CE if you want.
In my opinion, dx10 will be worth when Crysis is out. Crysis is the first game that using every dx10 features. After that more core dx10 games will come out and I believe most of the pure PC game developers are developing games using dx10.
Remember Crysis using volumetric particles system that need dx10. With this feature you won't see dynamics smoke, sun rays and dynamics clouds in dx9 modes. This will show huge differences between dx10 and dx9.
After Crysis more dx10 games will come out and I believe Far Cry 2 is dx10 game too.
It will look fine on DX9...don't stress. I'm playing Bioshock on DX9 max settings, and I've seen HD quality videos of Bioshock being played on DX10. I see no significant difference that would influence me to purchase Windows Vista, along with a whole new gaming rig that is required to fully play it.Skullheart
Bioshock and Crysis are different games, they use different engine. Bioshock will not show huge differences between dx9 and dx10 since it's created based on dx9 and adding some features to dx10. Crysis will show huge differences between dx9 and dx10 since it's created based on dx10 and optimize to dx9. Bioshock definitely dx9 port and Crysis definitely dx10 port. Time will tell us soon...
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